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“I don’t Want to Work, I just want to bang on the drum all day”

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Presentation on theme: "“I don’t Want to Work, I just want to bang on the drum all day”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “I don’t Want to Work, I just want to bang on the drum all day”
(Rundgren, 1983) Opening Statement

Presented by: Danielle M. Walsh New York Institute of Technology School of Educational and Professional Services, Spring 2005

3 Hypothesis H1: Intrinsic motivation of library staff is greater than extrinsic motivation. H2: Library employees with tenure less than 3 years are more likely to be intrinsically motivated than library employees with more than 10 years of tenure. H3: Job Characteristics influence the Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivators of staff. Read slide

4 Literature Review Highlights
According to Fitz-enz (1997) the average American company loses approximately $1 million with every 10 managerial and professional employees who leave the organization. Employee retention is very important to employers today: read slide

5 Literature Review Highlights
"Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation to engage in an activity for its own sake. People who are intrinsically motivated work on tasks because they find them enjoyable." --Pintrich & Schunk, Motivation in Education Pintrich and schunk define intrinsic motivation as engaging in activities for its own sake, people who are intrinsically motivated work on tasks because they find them enjoyable.

6 Literature Review Highlights
To be effective, managers need to understand what motivates employees within the context of the roles they perform (Bowen & Radhakrishna, 1991). As libraries become more sophisticated in their approach to quality, self-motivation will become a central issue (Rowley, 1996). In order to be effective, managers need to understand what motivates employees. As libraries become more sophisticated in their approach to quality, self-motivation will become a central issue.

7 Site The site, in which the research method was performed was, The Queens Library. The Queens Library System serves a book-hungry population of 2.2 million from 63 locations plus 6 Adult Learning Centers. It has circulated more books and other library materials than any other library system in the country since 1994, and is the second largest public library in the U.S. The data collected was conducted at the Queens Library. The Queens library serves a book hungry population of 2.2 million readers. It has circulated more books than any other library system in the country since 1994, and is the second largest Public library in the US.

8 Methodology Quantitative study
The survey was designed and distributed using a web-based tool that helps you conduct surveys. A link to was embedded in an all user (distribution list to all full-time staff). This was a Quantitative study. The survey was designed using a web-based survey tool, Survey The link to survey monkey was embedded ina n all user , (a distribution list to all full-time staff).

9 Sample This was a convenience sample.
The subjects of the study are employees of the Queens Library System. Staff work and hold various positions within the organization. Work Locations Branches/Public Service Central Library/Public Service/Non-Public Service The convenience sample were employees of the Queens Library, of which many different work locations and positions are held.

10 Summary of Data Analysis
Survey results were interpreted using SPSS, a statistical software used to interpret data. A t-test was conducted to determine the level of significance between two variables (library tenure and motivation preference). Survey result were interpreted by using SPSS, a statistical software used to manage data. A t-test was conducted to determine the level of significance between two variables employee tenure and motivation orientation.

11 Data Collection Participants Gender
Out of 1400 Employees 408 started the survey and 282 completed survey. Participants Gender Out of 1400 Employees, 408 started the survey, but only 282 completed the survey. Based on the participants we can see from the graph that there is a significant difference between male and female employees female being the greater percentage.

12 Participants work location
Demographics Participants work location Participants work location has a relationship to motivation orientation. From the graph we can see that the ranking percentage of staff work in one of the 62 branches, this means that they work in a public service area.

13 Participants work category
Demographics Participants work category From the graph, it is clear to see that Customer service librarians out-rank the other five work catagories.

14 Results and Analysis From the scatter-plot we can see "tightness" of the clustered points. The more the points are clustered the stronger the relationship. Participants have a stronger intrinsic motivation orientation, although it is only slightly greater, the data supports the hypothesis.

15 Assumptions and limitations
Participants answering the questionnaire honestly Many times employees feel that their position will be threatened, or chances for advancement will be declined if they speak freely.

16 Future Research Conduct same research on a larger scale.
Include Brooklyn Public and New York Public Library. Since all three of the Public Library systems are funded by the same resources, it would be interesting to see id there is a similar relationship of their motivation orientations.

17 The End Special thanks to the Queens Library, my colleagues, and
Dr. Bhattacharyya & Dr. Pietrzak

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