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Jeroo Code 18-Jul-18.

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1 Jeroo Code 18-Jul-18

2 Overview In this presentation we will discuss:
How to write code in Jeroo How to run a Jeroo program

3 Review: Step 1. Create the Environment
To start: Open an existing Island File Or Create your own Island Add or remove: Flowers Nets Water Land You can save and re-use your islands.

4 Step 2. Write the program You can create and control up to 4 Jeroos.
Your program must have a main method Each Jeroo gets a name when it is created Refer to them by name to send them a message

5 The constructor statement
Jeroo alfred = new Jeroo() A new Jeroo is created and assigned the name alfred. alfred will appear in the top left corner of the island, facing east. All statements in the main program must specify which Jeroo is to act, and what it is to do. alfred.toss() tells alfred to toss a flower into the space ahead.

6 Coding practice Answers: Jeroo neo = new Jeroo(); neo.hop( );
Write the code to create a new Jeroo named neo Write the code to make neo hop Write the code to make neo turn right. Jeroo neo = new Jeroo(); neo.hop( ); neo.turn(RIGHT);

7 hopping hop() alone means hop once in the direction the Jeroo is facing hop(n) will tell the Jeroo to hop n times Example: alexandria.hop(3); is the same as: alexandria.hop(); Write the code to make neo hop forward 5 times . neo.hop(5);

8 Step 3: Run the program Animation shows Jeroos moving around the island Source code highlights while executing You can run one step at a time Run the whole program continuously Pause at any time Go back to the beginning, or stop

9 Watch a program running
the code is highlighted the Jeroo acts

10 Step 3: Run the program 3 different language modes
You want Java/C++/C#

11 Find the logic errors Go to Jeroo and demonstrate and fix alexandria

12 Your First Program Start Jeroo Enter your name
1. Create the environment Clear the island layout. Place a flower at location Row 3 Column 2 2. Write the program Create a Jeroo with your name Tell it to hop to the flower Tell it to pick the flower 3. Run the program If it doesn’t work, fix it!

13 The program goes in the main method
Create a Jeroo with your name Jeroo mrsH = new Jeroo( ); It will appear in location 0,0 facing EAST with no flowers in its pouch. Tell it to hop onto the location with the flower mrsH.hop( ); You must address your Jeroo by name. repeat this statement each time you want your Jeroo to hop mrsH.turn (relative direction); You must turn either LEFT or RIGHT Tell it to pick the flower mrsH.pick( ); It will stop when it reaches the end of the program.

14 Top Grade Write a program to get a Jeroo from one end of your original letter island to the other using AT LEAST 8 programming steps. Add a comment to your code with your name in it and print the code. (comments start with //)

15 Choosing directions Four relative directions Four compass directions
LEFT RIGHT AHEAD HERE Four compass directions NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST When you turn, you must specify a relative direction

16 The End

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