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BDIR/MDI Summary ECFA Final Plenary

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1 BDIR/MDI Summary ECFA Final Plenary
C.Grah ILC ECFA 2006 Valencia, 10th November 2006

2 Beamdiagnostics in the Forward Region of the ILC Detectors
14mrad Energy deposition at BeamCal front face 14mrad DID Resolution by single parameter reconstruction 14mrad antiDID Parameter Unit Nom. μ σ σx nm 655 653.89 2.27 σy 5.7 5.395 0.229 σz μm 300 299.83 4.11 Observables Δ BeamPar Taylor Matrix nom = * 10-Nov-2006 C.Grah: BDIR/MDI

3 GamCal Complementary information from beamstrahlung photons and
beamstrahlung pairs ratio E_pairs/E_phot scales with luminosity Idea for the technical implementation B.Parker 10-Nov-2006 C.Grah: BDIR/MDI

4 Status of IP Fast Feedback Prototype
Kicker BPM 1 BPM 2 BPM 3 e- FONT4 Drive amplifier Analogue BPM processor In fabrication Digital feedback P.N.Burrows Time of flight kicker – BPM: Signal return time BPM – kicker: Irreducible latency: ns BPM processor: ADC/DAC ( MHz cycles) Signal processing (8 357 MHz cycles) FPGA i/o Amplifier Kicker fill time Electronics latency: ns Total latency budget: ns FONT Test Module for ESA 10-Nov-2006 C.Grah: BDIR/MDI

5 14 mrad Extraction Line 14 mrad extraction line
0.5 TeV CMS Performance of Energy Spectrometer and Polarimeter Meets Goals 1 TeV CMS Large background from scattered synchrotron radiation photons at the Cherenkov Detector Concern about large beam losses for Low Power beam parameters 2 mrad extraction line investigated … more concerns. K.Moffeit 10-Nov-2006 C.Grah: BDIR/MDI

6 Precise ILC Beam Energy Measurement using Compton backscattering
ΔEb/Eb = 10-4 and infrared Nd:YAG laser (EL = eV)  Δd = 5 μm ! L = 50 m photons center of gravity, σγ 1 mrad θ 250 GeV beam d weak dipole edge electrons, Ee=45.8 GeV edge position, σedge Non linear effects Multiple Compton scattering laser quant e- Both effects shown not to reduce the precision! H.J.Schreiber 10-Nov-2006 C.Grah: BDIR/MDI

7 Four-fermion processes as a background in the ILC luminosity calorimeter
BACKGROUND to bhabha events ΔL/L = 10-4 by counting bhabha events Isolation cuts are - Acollinearity cut - Acoplanarity cut - Relative energy cut - Energy balance cut leptonic bck. hadronic bck. B/S = / εbhabha = 80.6 % I.Bozovich 10-Nov-2006 C.Grah: BDIR/MDI

Moliere Radius ~ 1 cm 0-100 GeV/cm2 Lumi Cal GeV/ cm2 -7 mrad ent. GeV/cm2 7 mrad exit GeV/cm2 GeV/cm2 SiD Beam Cal at z=295 cms In beampipes Anti-DiD scale factor = 1.2 U.Nauenberg 10-Nov-2006 C.Grah: BDIR/MDI

9 LowP Option ½ RF power – ½ luminosity:
The LowP option could restore the luminosity to 2x1034 cm-2 s-1 at the cost of: increased energy spread (ave E-loss 2.2%  5.7%) increased beamstrahlung/pair production Nominal LowP vertex charge measurement -25% -25% Recoil mass, GeV C.Damerell W.Lohmann 10-Nov-2006 C.Grah: BDIR/MDI

10 Flexibility of the Low Power option regarding the pair background in the microvertex detector at 4T
VD acceptance depends on B, r0, l LDC : r0 =15mm, l=10cm, B=4T Low Power 3T Design : not possible to use 15mm radius beam pipe 5T Design : no problem to use 15mm radius beam pipe Safety Margin reduced Pair accumulation zone Deflection limit for Nominal option C.Rimbault 10-Nov-2006 C.Grah: BDIR/MDI

11 Beam-Induced Backgrounds in the LDC Detector Dirty Business at Low Angles
Origins of backscattered electrons and positrons which enter the inner parts of the detector A.Vogel 10-Nov-2006 C.Grah: BDIR/MDI

12 Background study at GLD-IR
Simulation of GLD forward region (14mrad solenoid) T.Tauchi 10-Nov-2006 C.Grah: BDIR/MDI

13 4-th Concept and MDI issues
Dual solenoid system Room for second detector Directional kicker Valves for push-pull disconnection FF optics 4th Concept presented their detector concept and showed their ideas for the integration. A. Mikhailichenko 10-Nov-2006 C.Grah: BDIR/MDI

14 Changes since Vancouver
Approved: CCR from 2/20mrad to 14/14mrad, single collider hall 5m muon walls instead of 9+18m On surface detector assembly Under Study: Single IR – evaluation of push-pull D.Angal-Kalinin/A.Seryi 10-Nov-2006 C.Grah: BDIR/MDI

15 Technical evaluation of push-pull
vacuum connection & feedback kicker common cryostat larger detector larger L* A.Seryi 10-Nov-2006 C.Grah: BDIR/MDI

16 Technical evaluation of push-pull
Single detector hall and BDS Movement on airpads (CMS like) Radiation safety Tremendous amount of work was done since end of september. 10-Nov-2006 C.Grah: BDIR/MDI

17 Thanks for your attention!
10-Nov-2006 C.Grah: BDIR/MDI

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