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Tier-1 Evolution and Futures GridPP 29, Oxford Ian Collier September 27 th 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Tier-1 Evolution and Futures GridPP 29, Oxford Ian Collier September 27 th 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tier-1 Evolution and Futures GridPP 29, Oxford Ian Collier September 27 th 2012

2 Where are we going?

3 Good question

4 Where are we going? Good question We know things are changing

5 Where are we going? Good question We know things are changing We dont know how things will turn out

6 Where are we going? Good question We know things are changing We dont know how things will turn out We can make choices

7 Where are we going? Good question We know things are changing We dont know how things will turn out We can make choices We must be ready to try things and to adapt

8 Where we are Services running. –Lots of cores –Lost of disk –Lots of tape Castor running well & stably –Shaun will talk about storage future EMI/UMD Middleware rolling out –Continues to be a moving target Virtualisation –Usage growing fast Configuration management –Batch & disk farms much more tractable –Deploying new instances of services easier

9 2012 Virtualisation –Heading to most services running on resilient virtualisation platform with shared storage Unless there is a definite contra-indication (performance) –Currently MS Hyper-V It works. But it is Windows (unfamiliar territory still) Likely to migrate to open source solution (ovirt/RHEV) Cloud –Stratuslab prototype Continuing EMI/UMD rollout –Focus on EMI-2 CVMFS Stratum 0 for non-LHC VOs –Ready for testing by VOs

10 Virtualised hosts 20/06/2012 Fabric - Tier1 Review, June 2012

11 2012 Combination of Hyper-V and SCD cloud –Deploying new services easier –Testing things much much easier Combined with Quattor (fabric & configuration management) it is pretty easy to roll out, for example, a test cluster

12 Getting nebulous Tier 1 developing SCD Cloud platform –Using StratusLab – integrating cloud & grid –Very much a prototype so far –Several dozen VMs there as well Very good for just trying things Several use cases: –Internal (Tier1 & SCT) development & testbeds At present trust users as regular sysadmins –Scientific computing resource for other departments in STFC –Virtualised layer in batch farm –Experiments are investigating clouds We need to be building up experience –EGI Federated cloud

13 Looking to Future Integrating Aquilon –next generation configuration database for Quattor –SQL database plus git workflow –Faster more flexible development & deployment –Better relational integrity for the database like parts STFC deploying new DNS management –We will have direct access to manage our networks including API –More dynamic provisioning possible Entirely more dynamic infrastructure? –See cloud work…

14 Looking to Future There are emerging themes Virtualisation making hardware provisioning easier –Can abstract hardware delivery/maintenance from service provision –As site admins we like this Cloud frameworks should allow –containerisation Users may like this Within some higher level requirements set by sites users can have much more choice/control of their software environments –More elastic & dynamic access to resources Cloud interfaces may make access to resources easier for users

15 Where are we going? We know things are changing We dont know how it will turn out We can make choices Have to be ready to try things and to adapt

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