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Scripture Reading: II Peter 3:8-18a

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1 Scripture Reading: II Peter 3:8-18a
The Properly Functioning Reactions Toward Evil Treatment (Romans 12:17-21) Scripture Reading: II Peter 3:8-18a

2 Introduction The Body of Christ emphasizes care, coordination and cooperation among the members of that Body, under the direction of Christ, who is the Head of the Body.

3 Do Not Return Evil for Evil
Correct Authority over evil Human government (Rom 13:4) God is the final, righteous, and only competent judge Cf Jude 9; II Thess 1:7-9 Correct Timing At Christ’s 2nd coming (Matt 24:25) At the Great White Throne (Rev 20:11-15) Correct purpose for believers To provide a good testimony before all men (Rom 12:17b) To give an explanation for our hope (I Pet 3:15)

4 Correctly Living in Peace with All Men (Rom 12:18)
Assuming it is possible Cf II Cor 6:14-16 “As far as it rests with you” or “on your part”

5 Correctly Giving Place unto “The Wrath” (Rom 12:19) (The 7 bowls of God’s Wrath in Rev 16)
God will full repay Cf Deut 32:35; II Tim 4:14

6 Correct Response to Those Who Constitute Themselves as our Enemy
Question: Who should a Christian make his enemy? Answer: No one! Feed them if they are hungry Give drink if they are thirsty The end result will be their shame Cf Phil 1:28; I Pet 3:16

7 Correct Encouragement
Stop being conquered by the evil Start conquering the evil by the good

8 Conclusion Correctly respond to evil treatment God will be glorified
The members of the Body will be encouraged

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