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Rosemarie Rizzo Parse Human Becoming Theory Melody Devlin Amber Hart.

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1 Rosemarie Rizzo Parse Human Becoming Theory Melody Devlin Amber Hart

2 Background Graduated from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, where she later served as the dean of nursing. Master’s and Doctorate from the University of Pittsburgh. Professor and Coordinator of the Center for Nursing Research at Hunter College of the City of New York ( ) Professor and Niehoff Chair at Loyola University Chicago ( ). “Parse is an articulate, courageous, and vibrant leader with a strong vision and a deliberate determination to advance the discipline of nursing With a perspective that focuses on quality of life and human dignity from the perspective of patients, families and communities”

3 Published Author Published 9 books Over 100 articles
Renowned speaker on Nursing Education, Theory to over 300 local, national and international venues in 30 different countries on 5 continents Humanbecoming Hermeneutic Method and Parse Method Published multiple qualitative research studies about lived experiences of health and quality of life (such as hope, laughing, joy-sorrow, feeling respected, contentment, feeling very tired and quality of life with Alzheimers disease)

4 Awards Lifetime Achievement Awards from:
Nursing Research Society Asian American Pacific Islander Nursesa Rosemarie Rizzo Parse Scholarship endowed in her name at the Henderson State College of Nursing Society of Rogerian Scholars honored her by awarding the Martha E. Rogers: Golden Slinky Award 2008 New York Times Nurse Educator of the Year Award

5 Currently . . . Consultant and Visiting Scholar at the New York University College of Nursing Founder and current Editor of Nursing Science Quarterly President of Discovery International, inc. Founder of the Institute of Humanbecoming As editor of science quarterly she organized a venue for nursing scholars to meet and debate matters of nursing theory and research development

6 Origin of the Humanbecoming Theory
Originally Published in 1981 and was entitled “Man-living- health” Renamed in 1992 to remove the word “man” which was formerly in the dictionary as human kind. Developed as a human science nursing theory in the tradition of Dilthey, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty and Gadamer. Assumptions were synthesized from works of European philosophers: Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty Along with the works of American nurse theorist Martha Rogers. Called a “School of Thought” because it encompasses: otology, epistemology and methodology

7 Assumptions The human is: Becoming is:
C-oexisting while co-constituting rhythmical patterns. Open, freely choosing meaning with situation, bearing responsibility for decisions. Becoming is: Human-living-health Rhythmically coconstituting humanuniversw Human’s value priority patterns Transcending with possibles Human’s emerging Assumptions synthesis of ideas from ideas from the Science of Unitary Human Beings and from existential phenomenological thought Humans are experts on their own health and quality of life Humans live all at onces in freely choosing meanings that arise with illimitable experiences.

8 Basic Concepts of the Human Becoming Theory
Meaning Rhythmicity Transcendence “Nurses live the art of humanbecoming in true presence with the unfolding of illuminating meaning, synchronizing rhythms, and mobilizing transcendence.” (Cody and Bournes, 2010)

9 Parse for Dummies! esults_video&playnext=1&list=PL3A9EE8A6ABEB6B94

10 Meaning “Structuring meaning is the imaging and valuing of languaging” (Cody and Bournes, 2010) In English: People coparticipate in creating what is real for them through self-expression in living their values a chosen way.

11 Rhythmicity Configuring rhythmical patterns of relating is the revealing- concealing and enabling-limiting of connecting-separating. Translation: Living moment to moment one shows and does not show self as opportunities and limitations emerge in moving with and apart from others.

12 Transcendence “Co-transcending with possibles is the powering and originating of transforming” Translation: Moving beyond the “now” moment is forging a unique personal path for oneself in the midst of ambiguity and continuous change.

13 Principles Structuring meaning is the imaging and valuing of languaging. Configuring rhythmical patterns is the revealing-concealing and enabling-limiting of connecting-separating. Contransceding with possibles is the powering and originating of transforming. Referred to as the humanbecoming theory

14 Four Postulates Illimitability Paradox Freedom Mystery
“Indivisible unbounded knowing extended to infinity, the all-at-once remembering and prospecting with the moment.” (Parse, 2007) Paradox “an intricate rhythm expressed as a pattern preference” Paradoxes are not “opposites to be reconciled or dilemmas to be overcome but, rather, lived rhythms” (Parse, 2007) Freedom “contextually construed liberation” Humans are free and continuously choose ways of being with their situations. (Parse, 2007) Mystery “unexplainable, that which cannot be completely known” unutterable, unknowable nature of the indivisible, unpredictable, ever-changing human universe. (Parse, 2007)

15 Paradoxes Imaging: explicit-tacit; reflective-prereflective
Valuing: Confirming-not confirming Revealing-Concealing: disclosing-not disclosing Connecting-Separating: attending-distancing Powering: pushing-resisting; affirming-not affirming; being- nonbeing Originating: certainty-uncertainty; conforming- not conforming Transforming: familiar-unfamiliar Retrieved from : content/uploads/2011/11/2011HBontology.pdf Paradoxes along with concepts are described as the humanuniverse, presented as apparent opposites- further specifying the uniqueness of the humanbecoming language. They are not opposites or problems to be solved but rather are ways huans live their chosen meanings Imaging-the symphony is a unique story of the human as mystery emerging with the explicit tacit knowings Connecting-separating- is being with and apart from others, ideas, objects and situations all at once Powering- humans are everchaning, moving on with the possibilites of their intended hopes and dreams. A changing diversity unfolds as humans affirm and do not affirm in the pushing and resisting of powering. Originiating to be like others and unique all at once Transforming- changing diversity occurs here

16 Nursing Paradigms and Parse’s Theory
Person Open being who is more than and different from the sum of the parts Environment Everything in the person and his experiences Inseparable, complimentary to and evolving with Health Open process of being and becoming, involves synthesis of values. Health is not static but, rather, is ever-changing as humans choose ways of living. Nursing A human science and art that uses an abstract boy of knowledge to serve people.

17 A little more on Parse and Nursing
Nursing is both a profession and a discipline. The goal of a discipline is to expand knowledge about human experiences through creative conceptualization and research. The goal of a profession is to provide service to humankind through living art of science. “Members of the nursing profession are responsible for regulating the standards of practice and education based on disciplinary knowledge that reflects safe health service to society in all settings” -Parse, 1999

18 Symbol of Humanbecoming Theory
Black and White Opposite paradox significant to ontology of human becoming Green Hope Center Joined Co Created mutual human universe process at the ontological level & nurse person process Green and Black Swirls Intertwining Human-Universe co creation as an ongoing process of becoming

19 Are you still Awake????

20 Theory Overview: Parse Scholars Beliefs
Quality of Life from patient’s perspective Diagnostic practice fails to respect humankind Standardized nursing interventions disregard human dignity Understanding human experience= individual freedom Humans are change with the process of living Inherent freedom is to be honored by nurses

21 Theory Overview: Real World Example
Chronic Pain Nurses should ask patient to describe pain in detail Physiological, psychological, situational factors Nurses should be aware of patient’s life situation By listening to patients, pain can be improved Treatment plan can be developed Patients feel closer to nurses who listen

22 Theories use in Practice

23 Theories Use in Nursing
Differentiates Nursing from other disciplines. Not applicable in Acute or Emergent Care. Does not utilize nursing process

24 Theory used in Nursing Setting

25 Parse and Research Strengths: Weaknesses:
Provides Research Methodologies Enhances understanding of human lived experience, health, quality of life and quality of nursing practice. Expands the theory of human becoming Builds new nursing knowledge about universal lived experiences which may ultimately contribute to health and quality of life. Weaknesses: “closed circle” Rarely quantifiable results Difficult to compare to other research studies Differentiates nursing from other disciplines & not applicable in other disciplines No control group or standardized questions

26 Example of Research using Humanbecoming Theory
Humanbecoming 80/20 Model 80% of time in direct patient care practicing humanbecoming 20% of time learning about humanbecoming

27 Used in Nursing Research

28 Fawcett’s Criteria Significance
Are the metaparadigm concepts & propositions explicit? Yes Are the philosophical claims explicit? Is the conceptual model from which derived from explicit? Yes, Martha Rogers Are the authors of antecedent knowledge acknowledged? Yes, acknowledges Martha Rogers

29 Fawcett’s Criteria Internal Consistency & Parsimony
Are the context and content of the theory congruent? Yes Do the concepts reflect semantic clarity & consistency? Is the theory content stated clearly & concisely?

30 Fawcett’s Criteria Testability & Empirical Adequacy
Is the research methodology identified & congruent w/philosophical claims? Yes Will data obtained from research sufficiently capture the essence of the theory? Are the findings from studies of descriptions of personal experiences congruent with theory concepts? Are theoretical assertions congruent with empirical evidence?

31 Fawcett’s Criteria Pragmatic Adequacy
Are education & special training required before application of theory in nursing practice? Yes- language of Humanbecoming Has the theory been applied in the real world of nursing? Yes- 80/20 study mentioned earlier Is it feasible to implement practice derived from theory? Yes Can you measure the effectiveness of the theory? Yes- qualitative measurement Can you compare outcomes of the theory when used vs. not used? Language needed: Humanbecoming and humanuniverse as one word to create one concept and further confirms the idea of indivisibility Three human becoming principles contain nine concepts written in verbal form with –ing ending to make clear the importance of the ongoing process of change as basic to humanunviverse emergences Paradoxes as apparent opposties further specifying the uniqueness of the humanbecoming language

32 Fawcett’s Interview with Parse

33 References Cody, W., Bournes, D., Parse’s Humanbecoming School of Thought. May Retrieved electronically from: Parse, R. R.,The Humanbecoming School of Thought in Nursing Science Quarterly, 2007, 20, pp Retrieved from: Nursing Theories; A Companion to nursing theories and models: Rosemarie Rizzo Parse. Updated October 27, Retrieved from: g_Theory.html Parker, M E., Smith, M C., Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice 3rd Ed. Chapter 16: Rosemarie Rizzo Parse’s Humanbecoming School of Thought. Pp F. A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, PA. Liehr, P. Looking at symptoms with a middle-range theory lens. Proceedings, Aug 2005, 3(5), Retrieved from:

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