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The Development of English

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1 The Development of English
Early Modern English (2)

2 Extract from A Midsummer Night’s Dream
What do you notice about: Vocabulary Grammar Spelling What is noticeably similar to present-day English, as compared to Middle English?

3 Vocabulary Words we no longer use with the same meaning: maid, fair, yea, but, worthy, wanting, to be held, I would, befall, morne ‘but’ still means ‘only, nothing but would = wish

4 Grammar I know not, What say you: no use of auxiliary verbs to make questions and negatives: use of inversion only There will I stay for thee (word order, like modern German) I do entreat your Grace, I did meet (use of do with no implication of emphasis, as part of tense indicator in affirmative sentence; do later used to form questions and negatives, found also elsewhere in Shakespeare) use of you / thou for distinction between distance / familiarity hath for has, but ‘she respects me’ (move from third person th to third person s)

5 Spelling eyes/eies – inconsistent spelling, later become consistent
modestie, marrie – ie ending, later y (but ie preserved in plural forms) heere, widdow – double vowels and consonants, later dropped haue, perswasion, reuenue, vs – u and v the same letter, but pronounced u before a consonant, v before a vowel iudgment, - i and j same letter, later differentiated extra ‘e’ at the end of words, later discarded, e.g. forme

6 Punctuation lack of apostrophe ‘s
Capital letters for a lot of the nouns (when referring to people)

7 Similar to PDE vocabulary: gentleman, judgement, look, pardon, in this case, refuse, modals: should be spelling: ‘th’ no ‘thorn’; use of ‘you’ for singular use of will for future (‘will I stay for thee’)

8 The Dictionary Early ‘hard word’ dictionaries Johnson’s dictionary
Webster’s dictionary

9 The development of writing
Key concepts: pictogram / pictograph logograph / logogram phonogram syllabic scripts consonantal scripts alphabetic scripts

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