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Relative Dating.

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Presentation on theme: "Relative Dating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relative Dating

2 I. Relative Dating Relative Dating is when you give the age of a rock or fossil compared to another rock or fossil. Example: Rock A is OLDER than Rock B. An actual age in years is not determined.

3 II. Rules of Relative Dating
Law of Superposition: When sedimentary rock layers are deposited, younger layers are on top of older deposits.

4 Rules of Relative Dating
2. Law of Original Horizontality: Sedimentary rock layers are deposited horizontally. If they are tilted, folded, or broken, it happened later.

5 Rules of Relative Dating
3. Law of Cross-Cutting Relationships: If an igneous intrusion or a fault cuts through existing rocks, the intrusion/fault is YOUNGER than the rock it cuts through

6 III. Correlation Rock layers in different places and be correlated or matched up by matching up the rocks and fossils in the layers.

7 What events might have caused the rock layers to become tilted?
Why is the top flat? What caused the angular unconformity? What type of rocks formed above?

8 What is “B”? Place the layers in order from oldest to youngest

9 Put the events in order

10 Put the events in order






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