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Trench warfare.

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1 Trench warfare

2 Learning objectives Identify the key features of a trench.
Identify conditions living in a trench. Evaluate daily life in a trench. Learning Objectives

3 What was trench warfare?
Trench warfare is a type of fighting during World War I in which both sides dug trenches protected by mines and barbed wire.


5 What was life in the trenches like?
Logo-Visual Learning: Each piece of the jigsaw fits together to give us the “big picture”/overview of what life was like in the trenches.

6 Info posters... In pairs you will be given one information sheet that is about one piece of the jigsaw. In your pair design a poster containing all the information on the sheet using as many pictures, numbers and symbols as well as notes. Your information sheet will be taken off you after 15 minutes, so you need to be quick and get as much information onto your poster as possible.

7 Market Stall You are now going to use your poster to set up a ‘market stall’. One of you will be the talker and will stay at your ‘market stall’ to explain your poster to other pupils. One of you will be the walker and will walk around the class, going to the other ‘market stalls’ and looking at others posters and completing your jigsaw worksheet. You have 10 minutes and 5 ‘market stalls’ to visit – so spend no more than 2 minutes at each market stall.

8 Peer Teaching Now that you have gathered all your information about life in the trenches, you need to teach the ‘talker’ in your pair about what you have learned from each of the ‘market stalls’. Make sure that you use the notes you have made, and help them to fill in their worksheet. DON’T just copy – you need to explain!

9 Anything good? A sense of comradeship & even achievement (many soldiers achieved more than they thought they could). Patriotism – fighting for home & country. Quality & quantity of food rations for British were generally ok – monotonous yes but alcohol allowed. Rest – 60% of time spent behind lines on light duty – football popular. Respect for leaders - despite myths – generals were often close to front line in danger of losing lives.

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