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Free verse poetry.

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Presentation on theme: "Free verse poetry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Free verse poetry

2 Characteristics of a free verse poem
Non-fiction and reflective Written in non-rhyming verse Has careful and specific word choice Contains figurative language (Think IHASMOP)

3 Starting your poem: Brainstorm what you want to write about
Theme (love, summer, responsibility etc.) Event (a vacation, sport, hobby, etc.) Try to set the scene in your head and go from there.

4 Next: Then write down some key words that relate to your story.
Since you don't need to worry about matching up words and rhyming them, you should be able to incorporate most of these words in your poem.

5 Adding to poem Think of your five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell) Try to incorporate these into your poem

6 Adding to your poem Imagery Hyperbole Alliteration Simile Metaphor
Add figurative language throughout your poem Imagery Hyperbole Alliteration Simile Metaphor Onomatopoeia Personification

7 Choose words carefully
Helps poem sound like the situation, emotion, or object you are trying to portray. Short words with sharp consonants cause the reader to stop-and- go in a choppy cadence: Cut, bash, stop, kick, lick, bite, punch, jump, stick, kiss. Use these types of short words when you want to show excitement, fear, anger, new love, or anything that might make your heart beat quickly. Longer words with soft sounds cause the reader to slow down. Use them when you want to show pause, tension, laziness, rest.

8 Up. Up. Click, click. Wind blows sharp in my ears. My heart jumps
Up. Up. Click, click. Wind blows sharp in my ears. My heart jumps. Skips. It’s up. It’s up higher. It’s up, up the highest. Hands grasp at the clouds. Then a forever pause. Still. Waiting. Finally. Whoosh! Steep drop down, down, down.

9 What was poem about?

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