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Start Your Own Business Leitir Ceanainn, Co Dun na nGall

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Presentation on theme: "Start Your Own Business Leitir Ceanainn, Co Dun na nGall"— Presentation transcript:

1 Start Your Own Business Leitir Ceanainn, Co Dun na nGall
Training Programme An Ghlasaigh, Doirí Beaga, Leitir Ceanainn, Co Dun na nGall

2 Four 1 Day Workshops + Follow Up Clinic for Business Plan Review
Schedule Four 1 Day Workshops + Follow Up Clinic for Business Plan Review Module 1 Introduction - Start Your Own Business and Personal Assessment Module 2 Ideas Generation and Researching the Market Module 3 Marketing the Small Business Module 4 Preparing a Business Plan Module 5 Legal Issues for Start Ups and Managing People Module 6 Sales Module 7 Bookkeeping and Records Management Module 8 Financial Management

3 Additional Supports and Resources
Work Books Module Materials, Additional Information , Articles and Templates Support Riona – Joe – Dedicated Course Website Presentations and additional support materials

4 Username: cleo15*@syob Password: CLEO15*@tr Dedicated Course Website
Username: Password:

5 Additional Supports and Resources Introductions
Who are we? Why are we here?

6 Why do you want to go into business?
Key questions ….. Why do you want to go into business?

7 What are your objectives?
What do you want to achieve? Short – Medium – Long term …. 7

8 Write it Down!!!

9 Rotating Your Head - Adapting Your Perspective

10 Rotating Your Head…. Rotating Your Head - Adapting Your Perspective
I am a user and consumer of products and services 10

11 Rotating Your Head Rotating Your Head to a Business Perspective
I am a user and consumer of products and services Now, I am also a supplier and provider of products and services 11

12 Marketable Product/Service
Key Elements of Successful Businesses include: Luck? Effective People Enthusiasm Hard Work Determination Resilience Finance Marketable Product/Service A Driving Force The Entrepreneur 12

13 Check out Self Assessment Questionnaire
Just for guidance and food for thought at this stage!

14 Play to your strengths ….
Organisational? Dealing with people? Managing people? Communications – internal/external. Verbal/witten? Marketing? Selling? Follow up? Record keeping? Financial management?

15 Deal with your shortcomings….
Training see Take on help e.g. employee (part or full time) Outsource routine or specialist tasks Get specialist advice where appropriate Do not overlook the limits of personal productivity!

16 Understanding of the difference between risk and recklessness –
Very important …. Understanding of the difference between risk and recklessness – Research and Planning essential! 16

17 Assess and Plan to avoid expensive Errors!
Realigning yourself to a business perspective… Seeing potential business opportunity Willingness/ability to assess risk and potential benefits Assess and Plan to avoid expensive Errors! Surviving a failure gives you more self-confidence. Failures are great learning tools… but they must be kept to a minimum. Jeffrey Immelt 17

18 The Business Plan A road map for your business
Research , Assess and Plan The Business Plan A road map for your business “An intelligent plan is the first step to success. The person who plans knows where he is going, knows what progress he is making and has a pretty good idea of when he will arrive” Basil S Walsh

19 The Road Map – Choices to be Made
3 hrs 10 mins; €40.18; km 3 hrs 34 mins; €36.95; km

20 Other Options?????

21 Business Planning Know where your position is Know where you want to get to The more precisely you know where you want to get to, the better you’ll be able to plan External factors: Other traffic on the road? Diversions?

22 Failure to Plan Inhibits Growth of Business
“If you do not know which port you are sailing to, no wind is favourable.” Seneca

23 What is the Business Plan?
A business plan is a document which describes a business and its activities over a given period of time. A viable Business Plan is essential to obtain funding/attract investment. It is primarily for your own information and use – Your Business – Your Risk

24 And which will influence your Business Plan
Our Product/Service Marketing Finance People Operations The Business Plan

25 The Business Planning Process
What you must work out in the Plan The Business Planning Process Business success When? How? What?

26 Importance of business planning
Purpose of Business Plan Importance of business planning Provides direction and focus Identifies aims and objectives Identifies a plan of action Sets targets Establishes viability Can identify potential problems Reduces risk Provides a basis for monitoring and control Road map for a viable business

27 Keyword in Business Planning
Profitability! 27

28 There are supports! Business Planning Cavan LEO For example: Training
Information and Advice Mentoring Networking Programmes CHECK OUT WEBSITE … Seehttps:// 28

29 The big challenge for many businesses and consumers now is
Business Planning The big challenge for many businesses and consumers now is More important than ever to challenge your business idea and plan for success 29

30 Starting Point for Planning Your Business
What do people want? What are people willing to pay? Size of market? Is this a priority? Have you the resources to supply? Is it profitable? 30

31 What is the competition? Can you do it better?
Starting Point for Planning Your Business What is the competition? If no competition – why not? Can you do it better? Why will people buy from you rather than the competition? - What is your USP – unique selling proposition??? 31

32 Market Research This afternoon

33 Start Your Own Business Leitir Ceanainn, Co Dun na nGall
Training Programme An Ghlasaigh, Doirí Beaga, Leitir Ceanainn, Co Dun na nGall 33

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