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Tips, Tricks, and SEE-ing.

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1 Tips, Tricks, and SEE-ing.
English 101: Dr. Highland Paragraph Writing: Tips, Tricks, and SEE-ing.

2 Topic Sentence: What It Does
Definition: the first sentence of a paragraph, which outlines and organizes the rest of the paragraph Purpose: relates the paragraph to the purpose of the piece Offers a preview to the paragraph Example paragraph: Many fast-food chains make their profits from adding a special ingredient called “forget sauce” to their foods. Made largely from edible oil products, the condiment is never listed on the menu. In addition, this well-kept industry secret is the reason why ingredients are never listed on the packaging of victuals sold by these restaurants. "Forget sauce" has a chemical property which causes temporary amnesia in consumers. After spending too much money on barely edible food bereft of any nutritional value, most consumers swear they will never repeat such a disagreeable experience. Within a short period, however, the chemical in "forget sauce" takes effect, and they can be depended upon to return and spend, older but no wiser.

3 Using Power Topic Sentences
Use POWER STATEMENTS to indicate that a list follows: A couple of, numerous, various, many, several, four, two: Ex: Three cities have major pollution problems. Ex: I enjoy four kinds of music. Ex: The policy should be changed for three reasons.

4 Avoid using “there are” in your topic sentences
Instead, start with a who, what, where, or when. There are two people I call best friends. Who: Tamara and Eva are my two best friends. There are three things that “friendship” means to me. What: The word “friendship” means three things to me. There are several friends of mine at school. Where: At school, I have several good friends. There were many interesting places my friend Sam traveled to last summer. When: Last summer, my friend Sam traveled to various interesting places.

Occasion phrases begin with: Unless Although As long as In order to While Since Until

Although baseball cards are just pieces of cardboard with pictures on them, some of them are worth a lot of money. Unless you say photos of my grandparents, you would never know that I am actually French. Although Japan is located on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, many people have crossed the Pacific to become American citizens.

TOO BROAD: Shows in the medical field are very great shows for many reasons. TOO SPECIFIC: Although some people may think soap operas have cheesy actors, Grey’s Anatomy actors that do a splendid job staying in character; we never see them slip.

8 Examples of good topic sentences
Power Statement Occasion/Position Statement Grey’s Anatomy is worth watching for three good reasons, characters, setting, and plot. Although most medical shows are overdone and boring, Grey’s Anatomy is a very well-made show.

9 Supporting a topic sentence
In order to write well-developed paragraphs, we’re going to help the audience SEE. S: Say it– your topic sentence E: Example– give one. E: Explain it. A thank you card may seem to formal but sometimes it is the best way to let a person know that you appreciate their kindness. When Noura received her card from Jenin, she was overjoyed. The thank- you card was personal, hand-written, and funny. This made Noura feel appreciated and acknowledged. There are many ways a person can say thank you, but sometimes a simple card of appreciation is just the right thing to give.

10 A little more on the “E”s of SEE:
Examples Explanations True story Hypothetical story (anecdote) Fact Theory Other example Expert opinion Proven statistic Additional details Discuss importance Define terms Other explanations, as necessary


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