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Maintenance Fluid Prescription

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1 Maintenance Fluid Prescription
Safe intravenous fluid prescription and administration in hospitalised adult patients: where do we stand? Buttigieg J1, Callus R1, Delicata L1, Bugeja M1, Debono R1, Bartolo K2, Almuqamam M2, Ghani H2, Santucci S2 1Division of Nephrology, 2Department of Medicine Background Results There were a total of 106 questionnaire respondents. 58% were females. Foundation doctors 77%; Basic specialist trainees 23%. Fluid management should be accorded the same status as drug prescription. Inadequate fluid prescription (FP) has been associated with significant morbidity and mortality1. Various international guidelines are already in place to ensure appropriate and safe prescription of fluid and electrolyte treatment for in-patients2,3. Table 2: Questionnaire responses Question Yes No Adequately confident in FP 43% 57% FP adequately covered in medical school 12% 88% Check weight prior to FP 6% 93% Check fluid status prior to FP 66% 34% Check electrolytes prior to FP 58% 42% Check intake/output charts prior to FP 65% 41% Assess FP daily while on maintenance 62% 44% Na+ concentration in 0.9% saline 46% 54% Na+ concentration in 0.45% saline 69% 31% Na+ concentration in Hartmann’s solution 51% 49% K+ concentration in Hartmann’s solution 50% Ions in Hartmann’s solution Na+ concentration in Gelafusine® 7% Recommended daily maintenance volume Recommended daily maintenance Na+ 18% 82% Recommended daily maintenance K+ 38% Daily insensible losses 25% 75% Aim To audit FP practises in an adult in-patient cohort at Mater Dei Hospital. To evaluate FP knowledge amongst junior/middle grade doctors. Method FP appropriateness was analysed through patient case notes examination. Patients on an intravenous infusion were selected randomly from medical and surgical wards. Patients with acute renal failure, those needing glucose/insulin infusions and patients on parenteral feeding were excluded. Subsequently, essential FP knowledge was evaluated via an anonymous questionnaire distributed amongst junior/middle grade doctors. Results A total of 32 case notes were studied, equating to 70 maintenance-fluid-days and 10 resuscitation-fluid-days. Median age was 38 (range 16-89); 50% were males. During the maintenance fluid days 40% (n= 28) of patients were nil by mouth. The resuscitation strategy of 250ml bolus followed by re-assessment was carried out in merely 20% of resuscitation-fluid-days. In terms of maintenance-fluid-days, fluid prescription and management outcomes are outlined in Table 1. Conclusions Knowledge regarding adequate fluid prescription is still lacking in our hospital. Fluid prescription charts are currently being introduced at MDH which aim to promote an increased awareness and change in culture. Teaching programmes for junior doctors are necessary to improve knowledge and current practices4,5. Introduction of a local guideline in the future with the aim of improving outcomes. Table 1: Fluid prescription audit measures Maintenance Fluid Prescription Fluid balance assessment 20% Daily electrolyte analysis 54% Indication documented 23% Plan executed as prescribed 63% Oral fluid intake documented 3% Fluid volume appropriate 74% Urine output documented 14% Excess sodium Type of fluid 67% Insufficient potassium 83% Rate of fluid 51% Insufficient glucose 80% Volumetric pump used Weight documented 0% References Powell AG et al. Undergraduate medical textbooks do not provide adequate information on intravenous fluid therapy: a systematic survey and suggestions for improvement. BMC Med Educ Feb 20;14:35. National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE).Intravenous Fluid Therapy in Adults in Hospital (CG174) guide. Tuck JP et al. British Consensus Guidelines on Intravenous Fluid Therapy for Adult Surgical Patients. Available from: 4. F Alhomida et al. A retrospective audit of fluid management in patients in an acute hospital and adherence to the GIFTASUP 2009 guidelines. BMC Proceedings 2015, 9(Suppl 1):A22  5. Walker GE. Intravenous fluid use in the acutely unwell adult medical inpatient: improving practice through a clinical audit process. J R Coll Physicians Edinb 2012, 42: Corresponding author

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