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Operational Process for Mortality
Exclusions Non elective death on ITU/CICU Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Operational Process for Mortality Template Exclusions Non elective death on ITU/CICU Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Exclusions Non elective death on ITU/CICU Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Exclusions Non elective death on ITU/CICU Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Exclusions Non elective death on ITU/CICU Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Exclusions Non elective death on ITU/CICU Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Operational Process for Mortality
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust Exclusions Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Division Themes and scores collated at Divisional level Dashboard populated Feedback to Divisional Board Inclusion in specialty M+M In some cases feedback to family Structured judgement review Including avoidability of death score Automatic inclusion for Structured Judgement Review Elective care If issues with ward care for ITU/CICU deaths subject to an ICNARC review Patients with learning difficulties Patients with DOLs in last episode of care 16-18 year olds Family concerns Alerts from risk management group Patients who are subject of a serious incident investigation in their last episode of care If overall care scored at 1 or 2 then second review undertaken by MD office and consideration for clinical incident/ serious incident reporting including Duty of Candour obligation If death rated greater than 50:50 avoidable Mortality Surveillance Group Additional information from ITU/CICU, Paediatrics/ O+G Dashboard review Cross Trust themes identified and fed to QI Academy Good practice and/or poor care fed back to teams from MD office Screening process Remainder of notes screened using standardised tool and if any clinical issues identified then proceed to structured judgement review. Reports Quality and Outcomes Committee Coal Face teams – quarterly Mortality bulletin
General specialities inclusion criteria for SJR
All deaths which do not meet exclusion criteria below Operational Process for Mortality North Bristol NHS Trust Division Themes and scores collated at Divisional level – also to include Quality and Safety thematic elements (Quality Synopsis) National Dashboard populated Specialty Dashboard Feedback to Divisional Leads Inclusion in specialty M+M In some cases feedback to family General specialities exclusion criteria for SJR Cases already in the Serious Incident Process where an RCA is being written at the time of uploading notes Cases already in the Legal process where an Inquest has been opened and/or a Coroner’s investigation is ongoing Structured judgement review e-tool Performed on all cases (or a sample of patients in Medicine for Older People, Respiratory, Stroke, Acute Medicine specialties) Including assessment of ‘more likely than not to have resulted from problems in healthcare’ SCREENING PROCESS prior to SCR in Medicine for Older People, Respiratory, Stroke, Acute Medicine specialties Notes of all deaths screened using standardised e-tool with automatic inclusion criteria. Screening to be completed by junior doctor who contacts responsible consultant at time of death certification. If criteria met then case proceeds to SCR. SJR will also be performed on a random sample of those cases screened out If care scored at 1 or 2 (Very Poor or Poor) in overall phase of care then a clinical incident must be raised and Duty of Candour process followed If a Care Delivery Problem has been identified which most likely contributed to death, a clinical incident must be raised and the Patient Safety Assurance and Audit Service must be contacted to commence the Serious Incident process. Quality Surveillance Group Dashboard review Cross Trust themes identified and fed to Quality and Patient Safety Programme Good Practice fed back to teams Automatic inclusion for SCR in Medicine for Older People, Respiratory, Stroke, Acute Medicine specialties Elective care Patients with learning difficulties Patients under Mental Health Section Family or staff concerns Alerts from risk management group A death where there may be important lessons to be learned for the team or department (these lessons may be areas of excellence as well as areas Reports Board Report Quality Committee Report Clinical teams receive thematic communication
Operational Process for Mortality
Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Mortuary Patient transferred to mortuary; notes and paperwork left with mortuary staff to process Doctor completes death certificate paperwork (within 3 working days). Mortuary staff update cause of death and doctor’s name on EDS Clinical coding review notes to complete coding of inpatient spell Health records Deceased Clerk retrieves notes from Mortuary throughout the day Collections AM: prepared for scanning for PM Collections PM: prepared for scanning next AM Scanned Episode saved as individual entry on Medway for ease of identification Ward (patient dies) Dr completes diagnosis of death (section 1) on the ward Nurse present at death completes notification of death and mortuary checklist Ward clerk updates ‘Status’ and details onto Medway Automatic inclusion for Structured Judgement Review Cardiac Arrests - Identified by QI Team Elective Surgery – Identified by Information Team Learning disabilities – Identified by LD Lead CQC/Dr Foster Alerts – Identified by Clinical Audit Family Concerns – Identified by PALS Serious Incidents – Identified by Clinical Risk Other reviews identified locally by Specialities Speciality level review(s) Specialities/M&M Lead identify cases for SJR prior to M&M Cases notes shared amongst team (local arrangement) Case note review and scores recorded on Mortality Database Non-mandatory patients – identify cases for learning to put forward for discussion at next M&M Mandatory categories – ALL discussed M&M Exclusions apply Information Daily mortality list sent to all wards by informatics (automated) Ward clerks ‘validate’ information (consultant/speciality) Corrections sent to the PAS team to action on Medway Deceased patient level data uploaded to National Mortality Database on weekly basis Notification sent to M&M Leads and Leads from Central teams Speciality M&M lead Provide senior leadership and support with Speciality M&M Meetings as outlined in ToR: Core membership; frequency of meetings; roles and responsibilities; reporting Member of Trust Mortality Group (by Default) To report on Mortality performance/learning to the Trust Mortality Group Ensure Speciality Dashboard/reports are disseminated to all members of the team and channelled through local governance process where required Clinical audit Receive speciality attendance sheets Populate speciality dashboards and return to M&M Lead Prepare Trustwide Dashboard: monthly Prepare Trustwide report: quarterly Exclusions Paediatrics Perinatal Please refer to the Terms of Reference for Perinatal and Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity which can be found on the GWH intranet site. Patient Quality Committee Trust Mortality Group Meet 3rd Wednesday of Mont Review Monthly Trustwide dashboard- Rates of reviews undertaken Outcomes/learning from reviews Identify/action 2nd level reviews Review Speciality dashboards- Review Quarterly Report Provide Dashboard/Report- Dr Foster Reviews/Alerts Identification/Outcomes from ‘other’ locally identified Mortality Reviews (i.e. Christmas Mortality). Executive Committee Clinical Commissioning Group
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