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The Principles Behind the Rules of Golf

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1 The Principles Behind the Rules of Golf

2 The Principles Behind the Rules
Richard S. Tufts USGA President 1956 and 1957 Family owned Pinehurst 1952 Joint USGA / R&A Rules Unification Committee Courtesy USGA Archive

3 The Principles Behind the Rules
Richard S. Tufts The Principles published in 1960 Less than 100 pages The “why” underlying the Rules The Rules have changed since 1960 Tuft’s “Principles” have endured

4 The Principles Behind the Rules The Two Great Principles of Golf
Play the course as you find it. Put your ball in play at the start of the hole, play only your own ball and do not touch it until you lift it from the hole.

5 The Ten Working Principles
In match play only you and your opponent are involved. In stroke play every competitor in the field has an interest in the results of your play (Chapter 8) In Match Play the player has the right to know the status of his match at all times (Chapter 9) The penalty must be not less than the advantage that the player could derive from the particular Rule violation (Chapter 10) Like situations shall be treated alike (Chapter 11) The caddie is associated with the player’s side (Chapter 12) When it is possible to do so, relief should be granted for interference which may be unfair or out side the player’s match (Chapter 13) Except for advice from those on his side and their caddies, the player must play his own game. (Chapter 14) Players should play the course under conditions which are as nearly as possible the same (Chapter 15). The player is at all times entitled to receive sufficient information to enable him to proceed in accordance with the Rules, and the Committee has the responsibility of protecting the rights of all players (Chapter 16) The Rules should not attempt to cope with the exceptional (Chapter 17)

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