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Prison Life, Inmate Rights, Release, and Recidivism

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1 Prison Life, Inmate Rights, Release, and Recidivism
Chapter 11 Prison Life, Inmate Rights, Release, and Recidivism Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

2 Chapter Objectives, 1 After completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following: Distinguish between the deprivation and importation models of inmate society Explain how today’s inmate society differs from those of the past Identify some of the special features of life in women’s prisons

3 Chapter Objectives, 2 Describe the profile of correctional officers, and explain some of the issues they face Identify prisoners’ rights, and relate how they were achieved List the two most common ways that inmates are released from prison, and compare those two ways in frequency of use Summarize what recidivism research reveals about the success of the prison in achieving deterrence and rehabilitation

4 Living in Prison When most people think of prisons, they usually imagine the big- house, maximum-security prison for men However, institutions are quite diverse

5 Inmate Society In his classic book, Asylums, Erving Goffman described prisons as total institutions Although prisons are certainly influenced by the outside world, they are also separated and closed off from that world

6 Total Institutions Total institution: An institutional setting in which persons sharing some characteristics are cut off from the wider society and expected to live according to institutional rules and procedures

7 Inmate Society, 1 Central to the inmate society of traditional men’s prisons is the convict code, which is a constellation of values, norms, and roles that regulate the way inmates interact with one another and with prison staff

8 Inmate Society, 2 Principles of the convict code
Inmates should mind their own affairs and do their own time Inmates should not inform the staff about the illicit activities of other prisoners Inmates should be indifferent to staff and loyal to other convicts Conning and manipulation skills are valued, as is the ability to show strength, courage, and toughness

9 Inmate Society, 3 Two major theories of the origins of the inmate society have been advanced The deprivation model The importation model

10 Inmate Society: The Deprivation Model, 1
Deprivation model: A theory that the inmate society arises as a response to the prison environment and the painful conditions of confinement

11 Inmate Society: The Deprivation Model, 2
According to Donald Clemmer, when an inmate enters prison for the first time, the inmate experiences prisonization Prisonization: The process by which an inmate becomes socialized into the customs and principles of the inmate society The longer inmates stay in prison, the more prisonized they become, and the more likely they will return to crime after their release

12 Inmate Society: The Importation Model, 1
The importation model is an alternative to the deprivation model Importation model: A theory that the inmate society is shaped by the attributes inmates bring with them when they enter prison

13 Inmate Society: The Importation Model, 2
For example, inmates who were thieves and persistently associated with other thieves before going to prison bring the norms and values of thieves into the prison Generally, law-abiding people will be more likely to be loyal to staff norms while in prison

14 Inmate Society, 4 Today’s inmate society is socially fragmented, disorganized, and unstable because of: Increasing racial heterogeneity The racial polarization of modern prisoners Court litigation The rise and fall of rehabilitation The increased politicalization of inmates

15 Violence and Victimization, 1
There is more physical violence by inmates in today’s men’s prisons than there was in earlier periods Reasons for high rates of prison violence include: Improper management and classification practices by staff High levels of crowding and competition over resources

16 Violence and Victimization, 2
The young age of most inmates in many prisons Increases in racial tensions and prison gang activity

17 Violence and Victimization, 3
There is more physical violence by inmates in today’s men’s prisons than there was in earlier periods Reasons for high rates of prison violence include: Improper management and classification practices by staff High levels of crowding and competition over resources The young age of most inmates in many prisons Increases in racial tensions and prison gang activity

18 Violence and Victimization, 4
Common motives for physical violence in prison are: To demonstrate power and dominance To retaliate against a perceived wrong To prevent the perpetrator from being victimized in the future

19 Violence and Victimization, 5
A good deal of prison violence—but not all—has sexual overtones In addition: Not all instances of sex in prison are violent Not all instances of sex in prison are homosexual Sexual encounters can involve both inmates and staff

20 Violence and Victimization, 6
Instances of prison sex can be further divided into three basic categories Consensual sex for gratification Prostitution Sexual assault

21 Violence and Victimization, 7
Physical victimization is not the only or even the most frequent kind of victimization in prison Other kinds include: Economic Psychological Social

22 Violence and Victimization, 8
These may be perpetrated by inmates or staff

23 Violence and Victimization, 9
Like all societies, the inmate society has an economy with a black-market component known as the sub-rosa economy

24 Violence and Victimization, 10
Cigarettes often serve as the medium of exchange because currency is typically contraband One of the newest forms of prison contraband are cell phones The sub-rosa economy sets the stage for various kinds of economic victimization, including theft, robbery, fraud, extortion, and loan- sharking

25 Violence and Victimization, 11
Psychological victimization consists of subtle manipulation tactics and mind games that occur frequently in prison Staff members threaten to expose information from an inmate’s file Inmates threaten to tell superiors about staff corruption or failure to follow procedure

26 Violence and Victimization, 12
Social victimization involves prejudice or discrimination against a person because of: Race Age Class background Religious preference Political position

27 Violence and Victimization, 13
Other factors

28 Inmate Coping and Adjustment, 1
Prison life includes: Pronounced deprivation of personal freedom and material goods Loss of privacy Competition for scarce resources Greater insecurity, stress, and unpredictability

29 Inmate Coping and Adjustment, 2
Prison life also encourages qualities counter to those required for functioning effectively in the free community by: Discouraging personal responsibility and independence Creating excessive dependency on authority Diminishing personal control over life events

30 Inmate Coping and Adjustment, 3
Robert Johnson identifies two broad ways that inmates cope with imprisonment Entering the public domain of prison culture Entering the private culture of the prison

31 Inmate Coping and Adjustment, 4
The inmates in the prison’s public domain are predatory and violent and seek power and status by dominating and victimizing others Most inmates enter the prison’s private culture These inmates find in the diverse environment of the institution a niche that will accommodate their needs, such as a job in the library to accommodate a person’s need for privacy and safety

32 Inmate Coping and Adjustment, 5
Inmates usually develop a prison lifestyle “Doing time” - Getting out as soon as possible and avoiding hard time “Jailing” - Achieving positions of influence in the inmate society “Gleaning” - Trying to take advantage of the resources available for personal betterment

33 Life in Women’s Prisons, 1
Life in women’s prisons is similar to life in men’s prisons in some respects, but there are also important differences Women’s prisons are usually not characterized by the levels of violence, interpersonal conflict, and interracial tension found in men’s institutions Women’s prisons are often less oppressive

34 Life in Women’s Prisons, 2
Female inmates are more likely to have children and to have been living with those children immediately before incarceration In some cases, very young children may live with their mothers in prison for a temporary period Some women lose custody of their children Often, children live with other relatives and have little or no visitation

35 Pseudofamilies and Homosexuality, 1
A distinguishing feature of the inmate society in many women’s prisons is the presence of make-believe families, known as pseudofamilies Women adopt male and female family roles Kinship ties cut across racial lines

36 Pseudofamilies and Homosexuality, 2
Family activity and homosexual activity appear to be relatively independent of one another The majority of female inmates who participate in homosexuality were heterosexual before incarceration and will return to heterosexuality upon release

37 Inmate Roles Esther Heffernan identified three roles that women commonly adopt when adjusting to prison: “Square” - Women who were primarily noncriminals before imprisonment and tend toward conventional behavior in prison “Life” - Habitual offenders who continue to display anti-social and anti- authority behavior “Cool” - Sophisticated professional criminals who try to do easy time by manipulating other inmates and the staff to their own advantage

38 Correctional Officers, 1
Research on prison staff remains sparse compared with research on inmates Most studies of prison staff have concentrated on guards or correctional officers because: They represent the majority of staff members in a prison They are responsible for the security of the institution They have the most frequent and closest contact with inmates

39 Correctional Officers, 2
Correctional officers face a number of conflicts in their work Boredom and stimulus overload Role ambiguity and role strain as officers are expected to both supervise and counsel inmates Lack of clear guidelines on how to exercise their discretion in dealing with inmates Limits on their power and the need to negotiate voluntary compliance from inmates

40 Correctional Officers, 3
How do correctional officers respond to their roles and their work conditions? Some become alienated and cynical and withdraw from their work Others become overly authoritarian and confrontational in a quest to control inmates by intimidation Others become corrupt Some adopt a human-services orientation toward their work

41 Correctional Officers, 5
A backlash against affirmative action has resulted in tensions and resentment by white officers Training standards are not uniform across or even within jurisdictions Professionalization has been accompanied by unionism

42 Table 11.1: Percentage of Correctional Training Programs with Particular Program Components, 1
Administration 92 % Inmate mental health 98 Chemical agents 86 Inmate programs Communicable diseases Organizational/prison culture assessment 70 Communications Race relations 78 Conflict resolution 90 Report writing CPR 94 Security devices Crisis management Self-defense 96 Diversity training Sexual misconduct prevention: staff

43 Table 11.1: Percentage of Correctional Training Programs with Particular Program Components, 2
Ethics 98 Sexual misconduct prevention: Inmates Firearms 86 Spanish 14 Fire/safety Special inmate populations 78 First aid 96 Stress reduction 76 Hostages 92 Substance abuse awareness 80 Inmate classification Suicide awareness Inmate gangs Transportation Inmate health care Use of force 100 Inmate management Working with female inmates 74 Inmate manipulations Workplace violence

44 Inmate Rights and Prison Reform
Until the middle of the twentieth century, the courts followed a hands-off philosophy toward prison matters As a consequence of inaction, prisoners essentially had no civil rights This situation began to change as progress was made in civil rights in the wider society

45 Access to the Courts and Legal Services, 1
The U.S. Supreme Court has granted inmates: Unrestricted access to the federal courts The ability to challenge in federal court not only the fact of their confinement but also the conditions under which they are confined The ability to challenge the conditions of confinement (Cooper v. Pate, 1964)

46 Access to the Courts and Legal Services, 2
Prior to the Cooper decision, inmates had relied primarily on habeas corpus petitions to obtain access to the federal courts Habeas corpus: A court order requiring that a confined person be brought to court so that his or her claims can be heard The Cooper decision, in effect, launched the prisoners’ rights movement by opening the door to new claims from prisoners

47 Access to the Courts and Legal Services, 3
However, by the 1990s, Congress had become exasperated with the flood of claims by prisoners challenging their conditions of confinement in the federal courts In response, it passed the Prison Litigation Reform Act of 1995 The intent of the legislation was to restrict and discourage litigation by prison inmates

48 Access to the Courts and Legal Services, 4
To get their cases to court, prisoners need access to legal materials, and many of them need legal assistance from persons skilled in law The U.S. Supreme Court has held that jailhouse lawyers must be permitted to assist other inmates, and inmates are entitled to either an adequate law library or adequate legal assistance

49 Procedural Due Process in Prison, 1
Inmates can face disciplinary action for breaking prison rules The United States Supreme Court has held that they are entitled to due process, including: A disciplinary hearing by an impartial body Written notice of the charges within 24 hours

50 Procedural Due Process in Prison, 2
A written statement of the evidence relied on and the reasons for the disciplinary action An opportunity to call witnesses and present documentary evidence, provided this does not jeopardize institutional security

51 First Amendment Rights
The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, press, assembly, petition, and religion The U.S. Supreme Court has made numerous decisions in this area

52 Free Speech The Supreme Court ruled that censorship (such as a prisoner’s outgoing mail) is legal only if it furthers one or more of the following substantial government interests: Security Order Rehabilitation

53 Religious Freedom Inmates are free to practice either conventional or unconventional religions in prison, and prison officials are obligated to provide accommodations Restrictions may be imposed where prison officials can demonstrate convincingly that religious practices compromise security or are unreasonably expensive

54 Eighth Amendment Rights
The Eighth Amendment outlaws the imposition of cruel and unusual punishment The courts have considered a number of issues under the umbrella of cruel and unusual punishment

55 Medical Care In 1976, the Supreme Court decided Estelle v. Gamble and ruled that inmates have a right to adequate medical care However, inmates claiming Eighth Amendment violations on medical grounds must demonstrate that prison officials have shown deliberate indifference to serious medical problems

56 Staff Brutality Brutality is normally considered a tort rather than a constitutional issue However, whipping and related forms of corporal punishment have been prohibited under the Eighth Amendment The Supreme Court also found that staff use of force against an inmate need not cause a significant physical injury to violate the amendment

57 Total Prison Conditions, 1
Totality-of-conditions cases involve claims that some combination of prison practices and conditions makes the prison, as a whole, unconstitutional In the case of Holt v. Sarver (1971), the entire Arkansas prison system was declared unconstitutional on grounds of totality of conditions and was ordered to implement a variety of changes

58 Total Prison Conditions, 2
Prisons have long had the right to provide only the minimal conditions necessary for human survival Food Shelter Clothing Medical care to sustain life

59 Figure 11.1 - Causes of State Prison Inmate Deaths
Jump to long description

60 Fourteenth Amendment Rights
The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees due process of law and equal protection under law The equal-protection clause protects against racial discrimination and gender discrimination However, the rights of female inmates remain underdeveloped

61 The Limits of Litigation, 1
The almost exclusive reliance on court intervention to reform the prison system during the last four decades has cost funds that could have been better spent to reform unacceptable practices in the first place Meanwhile, prison systems cannot address other problems because they are spending money to defend against other lawsuits

62 The Limits of Litigation, 2
Court litigation is an expensive way to reform prisons It is also very slow and piecemeal Transformation of prison systems can be chaotic and unstable Reforms may take years

63 The Limits of Litigation, 3
Successful cases usually have limited impact

64 Release and Recidivism, 1
Inmates may be released from prison in a number of ways, including: Expiration of the maximum sentence Commutation Commutation: Reduction of the original sentence given by executive authority, usually a state’s governor Release at the discretion of a parole authority Mandatory release

65 Release and Recidivism, 2
One of the most common ways of release is parole Parole: The conditional release of prisoners before they have served their full sentences In jurisdictions that permit parole release, eligibility for parole normally requires that inmates have served a given portion of their terms, minus time served in jail prior to imprisonment, and minus good time Good time: Time subtracted from an inmate’s sentence for good behavior and other meritorious activities in prison

66 Release and Recidivism, 3
The other common release measure is mandatory release Mandatory release: A method of prison release under which an inmate is released after serving a legally required portion of his or her sentence, minus good-time credits Mandatory release is similar to parole in that persons let out under either arrangement ordinarily receive a period of community supervision by a parole officer

67 Release and Recidivism, 4
When inmates are released from correctional institutions, the hope is that they will not experience recidivism Recidivism: The return to illegal activity after release from incarceration

68 Release and Recidivism, 5
In 2012, the American Correctional Association (ACA) reported that recidivism rates had remained remarkably stable The average recidivism rate for the 38 states that separated rates by gender was 36.8% for males and 26.8% for females, considerably lower than the 60%-plus rates of earlier studies

69 Release and Recidivism, 6
A study by Ben Crouch found that newly incarcerated offenders frequently express a preference for prison over probation Ironically, the public’s demand for more imprisonment may actually foster less deterrence and more prisoners

70 Release and Recidivism, 7
Lynne Goodstein demonstrated that the inmates who adjusted most successfully to prison had the most difficulty adjusting to life in the free community upon release In the end, imprisonment is a reactive response to the social problem of crime, and crime is interwoven with other social problems such as poverty, inequality, and racism

71 Appendix

72 Figure 11.1: Causes of State Prison Inmate Deaths - Appendix
The leading cause is illness, which constitutes 87.6 percent. The second leading cause is suicide, which constitutes 5.5 percent. It is followed by homicide, which constitutes 2.6 percent. The fourth cause is drug or alcohol intoxication, which constitutes 1.6 percent. The fifth cause is execution, which constitutes 1.1 percent. The sixth cause is accident, which constitutes 1.0 percent. The last cause is missing, which constitutes 0.6 percent. Jump to the image

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