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Follow Him. Seek Him..

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Presentation on theme: "Follow Him. Seek Him.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Follow Him. Seek Him.

2 Follow Him. What made you follow Jesus? Hoekom volg jy Jesus?

3 Follow Him. So gereeld gebeur dit dat ons Jesus soek… Hom vind… En dan stagneer en passief raak… Om ‘n goeie volgeling van Jesus te wees, moet ons aanhou om Hom te soek… Gebeur in huwelikke…

4 Ps. 105:1-5 Dank die Here, maak Sy Naam bekend! Maak Sy dade bekend aan die nasies. Sing vir Hom, sing tot Sy eer! Vertel van Sy wonderdade aan almal. Roem Sy heilige Naam. Wees bly, dienaars van die Here! Vra na die Here en Sy krag, hou aan om Hom te soek. Dink aan Sy wonderdade, Sy tekens en Sy regspraak.

5 Ps. 105:1-5 Thank God! Pray to Him by name! Tell everyone you meet what He has done! Sing Him songs, belt out hymns, translate His wonders into music! Honor His holy name with Hallelujahs, you who seek God. Live a happy life! Keep your eyes open for God, watch for His works; be alert for signs of His presence. Remember the world of wonders He has made, His miracles, and the verdicts He’s rendered…

6 Ps. 105:4 Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His presence continually! “Presence” is a common translation of the Hebrew word “face.” Soek die aangesig van God - My dogtertjie hou aan my gesig soek… Dis so ‘n natuurlike ding!! Ingebou in ons menswees…

7 Seek Him. Maar… Is ons nie altyd in die Here se teenwoordigheid nie? Ja en nee… Ja: God is alomteenwoordig. Hy is oral. Altyd. God is met Sy Kinders. Mat. 28:20 – “Ek is vir altyd by julle…” Nee: God’s manifest, conscious, trusted presence is not our constant experience As Anel by my is, maar ek weet nie daarvan nie, maak ek besluite, ens asof sy nie daar is nie… Ons realiteit agv ons persepsie is dat ons nie altyd in God se teenwoordigheid is nie.

8 Seek Him. Seek His presence continually! Hoe lyk dit prakties?
1 Chronicles 22:19 - “Now set your mind and heart to seek the Lord your God.” Col. 3:2 - Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Hoe/Waar seek mens? Natuur: Ps. 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork Bybel Ander mense Gebed

9 Seek Him. “We do not make this mental and emotional effort to seek God because He is lost… God is not lost. Nevertheless, there is always something through which or around which we must go to meet Him consciously. This going through or around is what seeking is.” – J. Piper Joodse vrou… Auschwitz was not a bad place 2 pype Seeking God, and His presence is wat ons inflow verteer, sodat daar net goeie, gesonde goed by ons outflow uitkom.

10 Seek Him. Follow Him. “If you seek him, he will be found by you” (1 Chronicles 28:9) “Whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that He rewards those who seek him” (Hebrews 11:6) God does not hide Himself from us, He hides Himself for us…

11 Seek Him. Follow Him. 2 vrae: Volg jy Jesus?
Hoe soek jy God se aangesig, op ‘n daaglikse basis?

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