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Recreational Trails Program

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Presentation on theme: "Recreational Trails Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recreational Trails Program

2 SCORP State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
The Future of Outdoor Recreation in Georgia

3 What is it? A statewide blueprint for maintaining and sustaining public outdoor recreation resources to meet the demands of Georgia’s diverse and growing population The plan, which is updated every five years, keeps Georgia eligible for federal grant support through the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)

4 Demand- Supply = Need Phone Surveys Focus Groups Town Hall Meetings
On-Line Comments

5 What do people want? Parks Trails Open Spaces Recreation

6 Most popular outdoor activities
Jogging Running Walking

7 Advantages of trails Provide places for children and families to connect with nature and recreate outdoors together Strengthen community ties and bring diverse populations together People who live near parks or trails exercise more and report better mental health One of the top 3 reasons businesses cite in making relocation decisions Access to parks strongly linked to reduced crime and juvenile delinquency Home-buyers willing to pay more to live close to parks

8 Recreational Trails Program

9 Program Goal Encourage all kinds of trail enthusiasts to work together to provide a wide variety of recreational trail opportunities

10 How RTP Works Receive money from a transportation fund which receives money from a federal fuel tax of 18.4 cents per gallon on gasoline and 24.4 cents per gallon of diesel fuel and related excise taxes 50% of the funds are distributed evenly 50% of funds are based on fuel use in each state Each state administers its own program with guidance from Federal Highway

11 Types of Trails

12 Who is Eligible? city governments county governments
recreation authorities with legislative sanction recreation commissions federal agencies state agencies

13 How Funds are Distributed

14 Reimbursement Program
Grant recipients pay 100% of up front cost Eligible for 80% reimbursement $100,000 + $25,000 = $125,000 80% %

15 80% Cost Share Construction of new trails
Maintenance and restoration of existing trails Development and rehabilitation of trailside and trailhead facilities Parking, signage, restrooms, benches, trash receptacles, safety railing, guide maps, etc. Lease and some purchases of trail construction and maintenance equipment Acquisition of property or easements for trails Assessments (accessibility, environmental) Facilitating access and use of trails by persons with disabilities

16 Eligible Matching Costs 20%
Cash Donations Services Materials Land value Volunteers In-kind Labor Equipment

17 Ineligible Practices Sidewalks Roads Tracks Design only projects

18 Land and Water Conservation Fund
(LWCF) 50/50 Grant Provides matching grants to States and local governments for the acquisition and development of public outdoor recreation areas and facilities

19 Contact Information Recreational Trails Program Jodie Gardner, Program Manager Audrey Camp, Outreach Coordinator Land and Water Program Antoinette Norfleet, Program Manager

20 Happy Trails!

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