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Unit 11 The Power of the Mind.

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1 Unit 11 The Power of the Mind


3 A. Warm up 1. getting a paper cut 2. breaking your leg
burning your finger on the stove stepping on a piece of glass hitting your elbow on a table having a pebble in your shoe

4 B. Read a. new pain medications
b. differences between moderate and severe pain c. how our thoughts affect pain d. Volunteers’ experiences with heat

5 Vocabulary 痛,疼痛;痛苦 增加;增強 設備,儀器,裝置 信號

6 Vocabulary 中等的,適度的 嚴密的;劇烈的 期待;預期 特定的

7 C. Read again. 1. Paragraph 2: Volunteers for the Study
Researching Pain and the Brain Heating Devices and Scientific Research

8 C. Read again. 2. Paragraph 3: Believe Your Doctor Our Active Brains
The Link between Expectations and Pain

9 D. Discuss 1. Would you volunteer to be in a study like the one in the reading? Why or Why not?

10 D. Discuss 2. Now you know that our expectations can control how much pain we feel. How can you use this information in your life?

11 D. Discuss 3. Do you think your expectations control anything else in your life? Explain.


13 A. Identify d h b f b. a sound or movement that gives information
increases device signal weak moderate severe particular expectations f b. a sound or movement that gives information d. makes or becomes bigger f. not very strong h. a tool designed to do a special job

14 A. Identify d h b g a f c e a. very strong c. certain; specific
increases device signal weak moderate severe particular expectations g a f c e a. very strong c. certain; specific e. what you think will happen g. not very weak or strong, not very big or small, etc.

15 B. Practice 1. I have a terrible cold. I feel really and tired.
2. I have a headache. My head hurts so much that I can’t open my eyes. 3. I’m feeling pain in my leg. It hurts, but it doesn’t hurt a lot weak severe moderate

16 B. Practice 4. I always see a doctor at he clinic. Her name is Dr. Philips. 5.The pain in my foot when it rains. So I have to take more pain medication in rainy weather. particular increases

17 B. Practice 6. A smoke detector is an important
for any home. It gives a when there is a fire. 7. The test was different from my . It was easy, not difficult. device signal expectations

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