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FIT FOR MISSION Mission units task group
Why mission units? The Mission Units Task Group was asked to explore patterns and structures for mission to help be more effective in mission in our changing context. Our focus has been on enabling and promoting intentional mission.
Our Vision Our Goals Growing Nurturing Serving
WHY MISSION UNITS? Our Vision ‘A worshipping, growing and transformative Christian presence at the heart of every community’ We want to be more effective, in the Holy Spirit’s power in reaching our mission goals and realising our vision. We are proposing an enhanced but flexible model for the diocese in which parishes and other expressions of church are organised for mission in a variety of ‘units’ appropriate to their context and circumstances, with an emphasis on PARTNERSHIP. Our Goals Growing Nurturing Serving We want to be more effective, in the Holy Spirit’s power in reaching our mission goals and realising our vision. We are proposing an enhanced but flexible model for the diocese in which parishes and other expressions of church are organised for mission in a variety of ‘units’ appropriate to their context and circumstances, with an emphasis on PARTNERSHIP.
Mutual enrichment Greater efficiency Greater flexibility
PARTNERSHIP BRINGS…… Our Vision A worshipping, growing and transformative Christian presence at the heart of every community’ Mutual enrichment Greater efficiency Greater flexibility ‘Critical mass’ Co-ordination Our Goals Growing Nurturing Serving Partnership is a rich biblical and theological concept that brings: Mutual enrichment; Greater efficiency; Greater flexibility; ‘Critical mass’; Co-ordination
New barriers to mission Falling numbers of stipendiary clergy
CHANGING CONTEXT New opportunities New barriers to mission Falling numbers of stipendiary clergy Overall fall in attendances Unfit buildings We believe Partnership is imperative in a changing context that offers new opportunities, but also presents new barriers to mission, and the challenges of falling numbers of stipendiary clergy and an overall fall in attendances and unfit buildings
What is a mission unit?
A Mission Unit is….. ‘one or more expressions of church working to deliver sustainable mission and ministry as effectively as possible within the Diocese of Manchester’ Our definition of a Mission Unit is….. An ‘expression of church’ will commonly be a parish but might include fresh expressions or other non-parochial mission projects.
A Mission Unit by another name…..
Mission Community? Mission Partnership? Your suggestions? We don’t expect the term ‘Mission Unit’ to have an extended shelf-life. It’s a placeholder to be replaced by a term that is perhaps more theological in content and more relational. Other Dioceses have similar models and refer to Mission communities, Mission Partnerships, or, in Liverpool, ‘Super-parishes’.
HOW DO WE cast a vision? We appreciate the need to cast a vision for this way of working.
Convinced and enthusiastic about the benefits
CASTING A VISION WE NEED TO BE…… Convinced and enthusiastic about the benefits Persuasive about the changing context and the urgency To cast a vision we need to be onvinced and enthusiastic about the benefits, and persuasive about the changing context and the urgency
We have, of course, already identified Mission Units in many places: we have Team Ministries, United Benefices and Mission Partnerships. We need to go further and enhance and enrich the model and identify Mission Units across the whole Diocese.
Mission Units Should relate to the shape of the communities or networks they serve But might take account of theological tradition or style Normally smaller than a deanery Should emerge from what is already there But might involve radical re-thinking Build in ecumenical partnership as a vital dimension Mission Units Should relate to the shape of the communities or networks they serve But might take account of theological tradition or style Normally smaller than a deanery Should emerge from what is already there But might involve radical re-thinking Build in ecumenical partnership as a vital dimension
TYPES OF MISSION UNITS One way in which the model should be developed is by recognising different types of Mission Units. We have produced a classification by shape and characteristics.
Mission Units by shape and characteristics
1 Mission Community 2 Resourcing Church 3 Sustainable Single Parish 4 5 6 There isn’t time to explain these in detail, but these are the types of Mus that we have named:
SIZE OF MISSION UNITS If we are to recognise Mission Units right across the Diocese we need criteria for their size and composition. Most Mission Units will be groups of parishes or enlarged parishes. What factors do we need to take into account to ensure effective partnership in mission?
Size of Mission Units No one size fits all
Perhaps a ‘menu’ of criteria Proposed Mission Unit to fulfil a specified number of criteria from the menu in the Diocese? Role for deaneries to agree size and composition No one size fits all Perhaps a ‘menu’ of criteria Proposed Mission Unit to fulfil a specified number of criteria from the menu in the Diocese? Role for deaneries to agree size and composition We have done a rough and ready modelling across the four archdeaconries and can readily envisage between Mission Units across the Diocese. We will return to this later as a key question.
How do we Resource MISSION UNITS?
To fulfil the potential of partnership we need as a Diocese to resource our Mission Units
We have identified four priority areas for resourcing and support
Mission Action Planning
PRIORITIES Visionary Leadership Robust Governance Efficient Management Mission Action Planning Visionary Leadership Robust Governance Efficient Management Mission Action Planning
On deployment and staffing we have a key proposal that we see as dovetailing in with the work of the Reimagining Ministry group
A key proposal
KEY PROPOSAL a minimum of…. the equivalent of two full-time ministers…. lay or ordained…. in each mission unit…. a minimum of…. the equivalent of two full-time ministers…. lay or ordained…. in each mission unit….
KEY PROPOSAL a challenge to the diocese to ensure that funds released through the declining number of stipendiary clergy are applied to front-line mission and ministry This brings a challenge to us to ensure that funds released through the declining number of stipendiary clergy are applied to front-line mission and ministry
Use powers more creatively
GOVERNANCE Streamline Use powers more creatively On governance, we need to bring about streamlining, but also to make better use of existing powers such as joint PCCs to promote creative partnership.
MANAGEMENT We distinguish ‘management’ from ‘leadership’ and look to release clergy from it as far as possible
Enhanced central support for Administration Financial management
Project management We would urge enhanced Diocesan support for…… Administration Financial management Project management
On MAP we have a loud and clear message
Do it in partnership. Do it in Mission Units!
Mission units key question
For our key question to put to you today, we return to the criteria for the size and composition of a Mission Unit to which it is appropriate to deploy a minimum of two paid posts (lay or ordained)
If deployment of paid posts (lay and ordained) is to be based on Mission Units, what general factors should be taken into account when determining the size and composition of Mission Units?
Number of church schools
MISSION UNITS KEY QUESTION For example…. Population Church attendance Geographical area Number of church schools Classification (e.g. Resourcing Church, Minster model) We have given some thought to this, with the general idea that there should be a ‘menu’ of criteria of which a certain minimum number should be met. So, for example, you might say that a MU should have a minimum population and/or a minimum church attendance…. Say, pick four or five of a longer list of factors like these. Our question is, in effect, what criteria would you include in such a list?
FIT FOR MISSION Mission units task group
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