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What is Computer Security

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Presentation on theme: "What is Computer Security"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Computer Security

2 The Problem There are some bad guys: They are called viruses (or viri)

3 What is a virus? A virus is a program created by a mal-intentioned individual that does something in your computer you don't want it to do.

4 What can they do? Virtually anything; for example: Pranks Destruction.
They often propagate to other computers They may send information “home” Credit card numbers Id numbers Etc. Be a nuisance Slow down your computer.

5 They may also crash your computer

6 How do viruses attack?

7 Attack methods Usually they hide in some attachment or some other program. These are called trojans. They may also attack directly. Viruses which go from computer to computer are called worms

8 Defenses?

9 How does a regular user defend themselves.
Worms and viruses take advantage of weaknesses in programs (vulnerabilities). As soon as they are discovered, they are patched. That is why it is important to keep your computer up to date with patches. Run anti virus and anti root kit software. Use at least one firewall It is also important not to open any attachments or run any programs for which you have not received independent confirmation they are OK (the bad guys can send pretending it is from a friend of yours). Definitely, do not “click here”

10 Some variant viruses:

11 Even the Amish get into the act :)

12 So, what do we study in Computer Security?

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