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Instructional Strategies

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Presentation on theme: "Instructional Strategies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructional Strategies
After this module you should be able to: Convert face to face activities into online activities Choose the best instructional strategy to meet the learning objective

2 Instructional Strategies
Listening Asking Reading Seeing Exploring We learn by...

3 We learn by listening Listening to lectures, interviews, speeches, stories, and discussions among peers and experts Online Examples: Case studies Online conferences Audio interviews Instructor commentary

4 We learn by asking Asking for assistance and discussing ideas with peers, mentors, instructors, and other subject matter experts. Online Examples: Mentoring in Chat/ Discussions Collaborative Breakout Rooms

5 We learn by reading Reading course materials, related resources, etc.
Online Examples: Course materials Instructor’s lectures Articles Web resources Texts

6 We learn by seeing Seeing presentations, demonstrations, and examples
Online Examples: Presentation slides Tutorials Video Clips

7 We learn by doing Online Examples: Online assessments Role-plays Case studies Simulations Computer-based labs Exploring, modeling, researching, and practicing authentic learning tasks.

8 What Instructional Strategies will you use?
Look at your Course Map Choose at least one objective and analyze what the best instructional strategy is for the objective. Why do we want to use a variety of instructional strategies? Online Student Experience

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