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Give Your Clients an Advantage

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Presentation on theme: "Give Your Clients an Advantage"— Presentation transcript:

1 Give Your Clients an Advantage
Royal Advantage Term For agent use only. Not for public distribution.

2 What We’ll Cover Today Why Royal Advantage Term?
Why Royal Neighbors of America? Why now? Tools to help you grow your business

3 It’s Competitive! The 1st thing you should know about Royal Advantage Term is that it’s competitive. Here we’re illustrating our competitiveness with some major players in the Term market, and you can see that we place at the top or near the top for a range of ages in the female/best class cell. One of the reasons we quote so well is that Royal Neighbors has not raised premiums on the Royal Advantage product since introducing it in While other carriers have been raising their term premiums, ours have remained level . Please note that all Royal Advantage Term rates are available on iPipeline.

4 Key Features Age Last Birthday rating age
Option to convert to permanent coverage Accelerated Living Benefit Rider Plus….. Competitive renewal commissions 

5 Customer Needs Term life insurance offers a high death benefit payout for an affordable premium. Can be used to protect a family from expenses such as a mortgage, or replacing income in the event death. Good option for customers who are looking for life insurance coverage over a defined period of time (ie. 10, 20, or 30 years)

6 Royal Advantage Term 10, 20, or 30-year level premium period
Issue Ages: Royal Advantage 10 – 16-70 Royal Advantage 20 – 16-60 Royal Advantage 30 – 16-50 Certificate default to Annual Renewable Term (ART) to 95 at end of premium period

7 The Basics $100,000 minimum face
$4,000,000 maximum ($3,000,000 if certificate has Premium Waiver of Disability Rider) Premium Waiver of Disability Rider, Accelerated Living Benefit Rider Premiums paid: Pre-Authorized Collection (PAC), quarterly, semiannually, and annually No modal charge for monthly PAC Annual $75 certificate fee (commissionable)

8 The Basics Super Preferred Non-Tobacco, Preferred NT, Standard NT and Standard Tobacco Preferred guidelines can be found in our new Underwriting Field Guide (Form 2980-B) Substandard up to Table 8 All applicants over 18 receive a new wellness package once their specimen has been analyzed Contact Underwriting for a risk assessment at (866)

9 A Differentiator: Age Last Birthday
Age Last Birthday Rating? Royal Neighbors of America – Royal Advantage Term ING - TermSmart 20 Genworth - Colony Term UL 20 Transamerica - TransTerm Aviva Life - 20 Year Term American National – ANICO Select Term no ROP Source: ipipeline

10 Conversion Options Latest conversion date – earlier of end of level premium period or anniversary of insured’s attained age 70 Convert to any permanent insurance without evidence of insurability (whole life or universal life products currently offered by Royal Neighbors) If certificate contains PWD rider and premiums are not being waived, the rider can be converted to new certificate prior to age 60; proof of good health would not be required for conversion of rider; if certificate premiums are being waived, there is no conversion option available; automatically converted by Royal Neighbors at age 70 If certificate has lien due to Accelerated Living Benefit rider, amount converted would be up to original face amount and would include lien due to rider

11 Accelerated Living Benefit Rider
Qualifying Events (certified by physician): Terminal condition - Insured’s death is reasonably expected within 12 months or Expected permanent confinement to qualified nursing home - continuously confined to nursing home for at least 90 days and confinement is expected to be permanent Up to 75% of the face amount can be accelerated (minimum $5,000, maximum $250,000 from all certificates accelerated) No additional charge for rider; cannot be added after issue Accelerated payment creates interest-bearing lien on certificate Administrative fee may be charged Interest on certificate lien will not be waived, premiums on certificate must continue to be paid Rider terminates at death of insured or termination/expiration of the certificate to which it is attached

12 An Established Need for an Underserved Market
Today, there are more uninsured women (43%) as opposed to men (39%), and studies on life insurance ownership confirm that women value life insurance overall more than men1 Women also recognize the need to replace their income, and list this need as the second most mentioned purpose for buying life insurance2 48% of married women generate over half the household income3 Working mothers (whether single or not) provide an opportunity to capture a growing market; explaining the need for income replacement life insurance is easier than you may think 1LIMRA, “Behind the Eight Ball”, 2010 2LIMRA, 2010 Ownership Database 3Lisa Johnson and Andrea Learned, “Don't Think Pink: What Really Makes Women Busy-and How to Increase your Share of this Critical Market”, 2004

13 Income Replacement Sales Idea
Use a simple example to illustrate the need to replace income How much insurance will be required to replace $50,000/year in today’s dollars for 10 years? Assumptions: Inflation of 3%/year Lump sum earns 5%/year4 Income paid at beginning of year Need: $460,000 term policy Level term period protection until retirement As low as $33/month for a 45-year-old female in good health (20-year LPT)5 4Examples are used for illustrative purposes only. The return is not indicative of any specific investment product or class of investments and is not intended to be a projection of future values. Actual returns will vary depending on your client’s specific tax rate. A lower tax rate on capital gains and dividends would make any gains in the taxable account more favorable. Clients should consider their investment time horizon and tax brackets, both current and anticipated. 5Best underwriting class. Form Series A. Not available in all states. As of 9/30/11.

14 5 Steps to Success in the Women’s Market
Stick to the facts Ditch the Pitch Explain the concept Establish the need Demonstrate the value SM Here are 5 key steps to succeeding in the Women’s market: Stick to the facts. Use some of the data provided in this presentation – women clearly aren’t insuring themselves. To compound the issue, with earned income rates on the rise among women in the workforce, the lack of insurance protection suggests they are not taking steps to protect their income potential in the event of death. Ditch the sales pitch and earn her trust. With her trust you will earn more opportunities to do business. Seek to understand her goals, relate to her needs, address her concerns and solve her financial security problems with her. Sell solutions and avoid product pitches. Explain the concept. Spend less time on product features or prices, and explain the concept of income replacement. Confirm that she understands the largest risk that faces her family in the event of her loss. Establish the need. Demonstrating that there is a need for income replacement will help earn her trust. Female consumer want to take an active part in solving the issues they face, as opposed to be “sold” a product. Demonstrate the value by showing her how affordable protection against this major risk can be. Term insurance provides value by offering a high death benefit for a low premium, for a duration that she needs - until retirement.

15 Why Now? Since introducing Royal Advantage Term in 2007, Royal Neighbors has not increased premiums on this product. Market opportunity: The time for affordable life insurance coverage is now.

16 Why Royal Neighbors? Offer Insurance with a Difference to your clients. As a member of Royal Neighbors, your clients will have access to: Valuable member benefits6 currently including prescription discounts, preventative health screenings, and dental and vision care discounts, to name a few Scholarships for insured members Opportunities to make a difference in their communities through our network of local chapters and national programs such as the Nation of Neighbors Program SM SM 6Member benefits are provided at the discretion of Royal Neighbor of America. They are not part of any insurance contract and are not guaranteed.

17 Tools to Grow Your Term Business
Agent and client materials to help you position our Term products. Use our expertise in understanding and taking advantage of the women’s market for insurance products. More sales tools are available on our agent website under Training and Education > Winning Sales Tactics

18 Questions. Sales Support (800) 627-4762 https://agent. royalneighbors
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