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5 - How Computers Calculate - the ALU

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1 5 - How Computers Calculate - the ALU
CS 1 Introduction to Computers and Computer Technology Rick Graziani Spring 2017

2 Crash Course Videos 5 through 9 More than we will cover
Watch: 5 - How Computers Calculate - the ALU Watch for your own interest (Additional information coinciding with this presentation) 6 - Registers and RAM 7 - The Central Processing Unit (CPU) 8 - Instructions & Programs 9 - Advanced CPU Designs Rick Graziani

3 Computer Architecture
Central Processing Unit (CPU) or processor Arithmetic/Logic unit (ALU) Arithmetic Unit performs arithmetic operations on data such as addition and subtraction Logic Unit performs boolean operations and simple numerical tests such as negative or positive Control unit Coordinating the CPU’s activities Holds input and results (output) for the ALU Registers Temporary storage for the CPU General registers Special purpose registers Rick Graziani

4 5 - How Computers Calculate - the ALU
Rick Graziani

5 Full Adder Table Rick Graziani

6 Full Adder Table Rick Graziani

7 Using Logicly Rick Graziani

8 Binary Math - Addition ’s 32’s 16’s 8’s 4’s 2’s 1’s Dec 1 1 1 1 58 + 27 ----- 1 1 1 1 85 Rick Graziani

9 Full Adder Table Rick Graziani

10 Overflow 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 128’s 64’s 32’s 16’s 8’s 4’s 2’s 1’s
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 What happens when we only have storage for an 8-bit number and we need more than 8 bits? Overflow – Occurs when the result of an addition is TOO LARGE to be represented by the number of bits you are using. Causes errors and unexpected behavior Rick Graziani

11 Original Pacman Arcade Game
Level 255 = Level 256 = &^$^%#& Rick Graziani

12 One Solution One solution: More adders, but means more gates
Rick Graziani

13 Better Solutions Carry-Look-Ahead Adder
Simple (less expensive) ALUs do not have multiplication or division operations (such as those in your thermostat, microwave or remote) For example, to multiply they add multiple times. Computers such as laptops and cell phones have a dedicated processor for tasks like multiplication. More complicated and more expensive. Rick Graziani

14 Intel 74181 First ALU on a chip (1970)
Rick Graziani

15 A CPU can be: A CPU can be:
1. A series of integrated circuits (chips) on one or more circuit boards Older mainframe and minicomputers 2. On a single integrated circuit known as a microprocessor microprocessor = a CPU on a single chip microcomputer = older term for a computer with a microprocessor(s) (PC, Macintosh) Rick Graziani

16 Computer Architecture
Bus Used to transfer bits between the CPU and RAM (main memory) Rick Graziani

17 2 + 3 = 5 User interface User Types (Input) Computer Outputs
Rick Graziani

18 Computer Architecture
Value = 5 2 + 3 = 5 Value = 2 Value = 3 Task: Add two values stored in main memory (RAM) Data (two values) must be transferred from main memory to registers within the CPU ALU: Values are added Result stored in main memory (RAM) Rick Graziani

19 Computer Architecture
2 + 3 = 5 5 2 2 3 3 2 + 3 = 5 Task: Add two values stored in main memory (RAM) Data (two values) must be transferred from main memory to registers within the CPU ALU: Values are added Result stored in main memory (RAM) Rick Graziani

20 Our CPU and the Pentium CPU
Rick Graziani

21 Stored Program Concept
instruction Stored program concept: A program can be encoded as bit patterns and stored in main memory. CPU can then: extract the instructions as needed (copy them into its registers) execute them Rick Graziani

22 Terminology Op-code Operand Description 1 RXY LOAD reg. R from cell XY. 2 RXY LOAD reg. R with XY. 3 RXY STORE reg. R at XY. 4 0RS MOVE R to S. 5 RST ADD S and T into R. (2’s comp.) 6 RST ADD S and T into R. (floating pt.) 7 RST OR S and T into R. 8 RST AND S and T into R. 9 RST XOR S and T into R. A R0X ROTATE reg. R X times. B RXY JUMP to XY if R = reg. 0. C HALT. Machine instruction: An instruction (or command) encoded as a bit pattern recognizable by the CPU Machine language: The set of all instructions recognized by a machine (CPU) Rick Graziani

23 Machine Language Philosophies
Op-code Operand Description 1 RXY LOAD reg. R from cell XY. 2 RXY LOAD reg. R with XY. 3 RXY STORE reg. R at XY. 4 0RS MOVE R to S. 5 RST ADD S and T into R. (2’s comp.) 6 RST ADD S and T into R. (floating pt.) 7 RST OR S and T into R. 8 RST AND S and T into R. 9 RST XOR S and T into R. A R0X ROTATE reg. R X times. B RXY JUMP to XY if R = reg. 0. C HALT. Machine Language Philosophies This slide is now just an FYI Analogy Chinese characters: (CISC) More complex than English (RISC) words 200 English letters might require only 20 Chinese characters. Chinese requires fewer symbols Saves on both paper and postage. However, reading and writing Chinese is more complex Because each symbol contains more information The English words are analogous to RISC instructions, Chinese symbols are analogous to CISC instructions. Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) Few, simple, efficient, and fast instructions Examples: PowerPC from Apple/IBM/Motorola and SPARK from Sun Microsystems Complex Instruction Set Computing (CISC) Many, convenient, and powerful instructions Example: Pentium from Intel Rick Graziani

24 Machine Instruction Types
Op-code Operand Description 1 RXY LOAD reg. R from cell XY. 2 RXY LOAD reg. R with XY. 3 RXY STORE reg. R at XY. 4 0RS MOVE R to S. 5 RST ADD S and T into R. (2’s comp.) 6 RST ADD S and T into R. (floating pt.) 7 RST OR S and T into R. 8 RST AND S and T into R. 9 RST XOR S and T into R. A R0X ROTATE reg. R X times. B RXY JUMP to XY if R = reg. 0. C HALT. Machine Instruction Types Data Transfer: Copy data from one location to another Arithmetic/Logic: Use existing bit patterns to compute a new bit patterns Control: Direct the execution of the program More in a moment Rick Graziani

25 Adding values stored in memory
2 3 2+3=5 5 Rick Graziani

26 Using machine language
Rick Graziani

27 Computer Architecture
2 + 3 = 5 6E 5 5 6C 2 5 2 6 3 6D 3 Rick Graziani

28 Adding values stored in memory
Step 1 2 + 3 = 5 6E 5 5 Step 2 6C 2 5 2 6 3 6D 3 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Data Transfer Instructions that request the movement (copying) of data from one location to another Rick Graziani

29 Adding values stored in memory
Step 1 2 + 3 = 5 6E 5 5 Step 2 6C 2 5 2 6 3 6D 3 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 ALU Instructions that tells the control unit to request an activity within the ALU Capable of performing operations other than basic arithmetic operations, including: AND, OR, XOR. Rick Graziani

30 Remember our half-adder? Adding two bits
XOR Inputs: A, B S = Sum C = Carry 1 1 AND C S + 1 ---- A + B = 2’s 1’s = 1 Adding two, eight bit values involves a similar process, just more gates (2 + 3 = 5): = 1 Rick Graziani

31 Adding values stored in memory
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Control Instructions that direct the execution of the program Jump or Branch instructions: Directs the CPU to execute an instruction other than the next one in the list. Unconditional Jump: Skip to Step 6 Condition Jump: If the value is 0 then Skip to Step 6 Rick Graziani

32 The architecture of our machine
Address Main Memory 256 cells: 00 through FF (Hex) through Storage: 8 bits per cell CPU 16 registers: 0 through F (Hex); 8 bits per cell Program counter: (Address of) Keeps track of the next instruction Instruction register: Contains the current instruction to be executed by the ALU. Rick Graziani

33 Converting Decimal, Hex, and Binary
Dec. Hex. Binary Dec. Hex. Binary A B C D E F 1 Hex digit = 4 bits Rick Graziani

34 Loading instructions into the computer
Rick Graziani

35 Parts of a Machine Instruction
Op-code Operand Description 1 LOAD reg. R from cell XY. 2 LOAD reg. R with XY. 3 STORE reg. R at XY. 4 MOVE R to S. 5 ADD S and T into R. (2’s comp.) 6 ADD S and T into R. (floating pt.) 7 OR S and T into R. 8 AND S and T into R. 9 XOR S and T into R. A ROTATE reg. R X times. B JUMP to XY if R = reg. 0. C HALT. Parts of a Machine Instruction Binary (16 bits) 1 Hex digit = 4 bits Machine Language Each instruction involves two parts: Op-code: Specifies which operation to execute LOAD, ADD, STORE, etc. Operand: Gives more detailed information about the operation Interpretation of operand varies depending on op-code Rick Graziani

36 Parts of a Machine Instruction
Op-code Operand Description 1 LOAD reg. R from cell XY. 2 LOAD reg. R with XY. 3 STORE reg. R at XY. 4 MOVE R to S. 5 ADD S and T into R. (2’s comp.) 6 ADD S and T into R. (floating pt.) 7 OR S and T into R. 8 AND S and T into R. 9 XOR S and T into R. A ROTATE reg. R X times. B JUMP to XY if R = reg. 0. C HALT. Parts of a Machine Instruction Store the bits found in register 5 in main memory cell A7 A 7 8 8 5 Rick Graziani

37 The machine cycle Rick Graziani

38 Program Execution Rick Graziani

39 The program is stored in main memory ready for execution
1 Hex digit = 4 bits Hard Disk Drive 00 FF The program is copied put into main memory. Typically from permanent storage. Requires two memory cells per instruction: Instructions are 16 bits; memory cells are 8 bits Program counter contains first instruction: A0 Rick Graziani

40 Performing the fetch step of the machine cycle
Rick Graziani

41 At the beginning of the first fetch: Program Counter = A0
Registers A0 5 Instruction Register 6 6C 02 6D 03 At the beginning of the first fetch: Program Counter = A0 6E Rick Graziani

42 At the beginning of the first fetch:
Program Counter Registers A2 A0 5 Instruction Register 6 156C 6C 02 6D 03 At the beginning of the first fetch: Instruction at A0 (and A1) loaded into Instruction register Program Counter = A2 6E Rick Graziani

43 CPU analyzes the instruction
Program Counter Registers A2 5 02 Instruction Register 6 156C Load register 5 in main memory cell 6C 6C 02 6D 03 6E CPU analyzes the instruction Loads Register 5 with the contents of memory cell address 6C. Rick Graziani

44 At the beginning of the next fetch: Program Counter = A2
Registers A2 5 02 Instruction Register 6 6C 02 6D 03 At the beginning of the next fetch: Program Counter = A2 6E Rick Graziani

45 Program Counter Registers A4 A2 5 02 Instruction Register 6 03 166D Load register 6 in main memory cell 6D 6C 02 6D 03 6E Instruction at A2 (and A3) loaded into Instruction register Program Counter incremented: A4 CPU analyzes the instruction Loads Register 6 with the contents of memory cell address 6D. Rick Graziani

46 At the beginning of the next fetch: Program Counter = A4
Registers A4 2 02 Instruction Register 3 03 6C 02 6D 03 At the beginning of the next fetch: Program Counter = A4 6E Rick Graziani

47 Program Counter Registers A4 A6 05 5 02 Instruction Register 6 03 5056 6C Add: result into register 0, adding contents of register 5 and register 6 02 6D 03 6E Adds contents of register 5 and 6, placing result into register 0. Instruction at A4 (and A5) loaded into Instruction register Program Counter incremented: A6 CPU analyzes the instruction Adds contents of register 5 and register 6, storing the result into register 0. Rick Graziani

48 At the beginning of the next fetch: Program Counter = A6
Registers 05 A6 2 02 Instruction Register 3 03 6C 02 6D 03 At the beginning of the next fetch: Program Counter = A6 6E Rick Graziani

49 Program Counter Registers 05 A6 A8 5 02 Instruction Register 6 03 306E 6C Store contents of register 0, in memory cell address 6E 02 6D 03 6E 05 Instruction at A6 (and A7) loaded into Instruction register Program Counter incremented: A8 CPU analyzes the instruction Stores contents of register 0 in the memory cell at address 6E. Rick Graziani

50 At the beginning of the next fetch: Program Counter = A8
Registers 05 A8 5 02 Instruction Register 6 03 6C 02 6D 03 At the beginning of the next fetch: Program Counter = A8 6E 05 Rick Graziani

51 Program Counter Registers 05 AA A8 5 02 Instruction Register 6 03 C000 6C Halt the program 02 6D 03 6E 05 Instruction at A8 (and A9) loaded into Instruction register Program Counter incremented: AA CPU analyzes the instruction Halts the program. (Program ends.) Rick Graziani

52 Intel CPUs Rick Graziani

53 Intel CPUs Rick Graziani

54 CPU Heat Sinks and Cooling Fans
Rick Graziani

55 Clock Speed: The Speed of the CPU
Clock – Circuit (oscillator) which generates pulses. Coordinates computers activities Faster the pulses, faster the computer (CPU) works Rick Graziani

56 Clock Speed: The Speed of the CPU
Clock speed measured in megahertz (MHz) - the number of millions of beats per second gigahertz (GHz) - the number of billions of beats per second Examples: Early CPUs: MHz Current Processors: 3 GHz and more Note: Clock speed alone is not relevant in comparing CPUs Other factors such as RISC or CISC architecture Benchmarking: Process of comparing different CPUs when executing the same program. Rick Graziani

57 Lucy and Ethel demonstrating clock speed
Rick Graziani

58 Internal Cache Internal Cache = memory inside the CPU chip which stores instructions and data which the CPU is currently working on or may soon need. The CPU must deliver its data at a very high speed. The regular RAM cannot keep up with that speed. Therefore, a special RAM type called cache is used as a buffer - temporary storage. L1 Cache – Same chip as CPU (fastest) L2 Cache – Separate chip Rick Graziani

59 5 - How Computers Calculate - the ALU
CS 1 Introduction to Computers and Computer Technology Rick Graziani

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