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Terrorism: The Islamic Solution

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1 Terrorism: The Islamic Solution
Shaker Elsayed Secretary General Muslim American Society (MAS)

2 Terrorism Creating an atmosphere of fear by applying or employing violence against innocent civilians to achieve political, ideological or religious objectives

3 War Vs. Terrorism Waged by a state Carried by an army
Governed by Int’l laws Controllable to a degree Massive miseries Relative time & place Targets military assets Conditionally allowed By a state or a group By clandestine groups No laws to govern Uncontrollable Horrific fears No time/place limits Targets civilians Prohibited

4 Sources of Terrorism Ideological:
- Religious & Political Strives (Domestic/International) - Nationalist, Religious & Political Fanaticism Circumstantial: - Oppression & Tyranny - Injustices - Military Rules - Violent Dictatorship - Torture of prisoners - Occupation - Military Courts for Civilians - Lack of Political and other Freedoms Drug Trafficking

5 Forms of Terrorism State Terrorism: - Domestic (against own people)
- International (against neighbors/other states) - Military Occupation - Military Quos, Military Regimes Group Terrorism: - Violent Political, Militant, Religious & Nationalist Groups - Drug Traffickers

6 Islamic Protections Against Terrorism-1
Prohibition of Extremism in Faith Prohibition of Conspiracy Prohibition of Treason and Betrayal Prohibition of Forced Conversion Prohibition of Aggression Prohibition of Occupying another land or Imposing Rule The means must be as honorable as the End

7 Islamic Protections Against Terrorism-2
Prohibition of Killing Civilians During War Preference of Dialogue, Forgiveness, and Peaceful Resolutions to Conflict Prohibition of Drugs Prohibition of Suppression and Deprivation of Freedoms All people are from one father and one mother

8 Islamic Protections Against Terrorism-3
Prohibition of Transgression and Oppression, and Prohibition of Silence about or Support for Transgression Rights of POW’s and Prisoners Rights of Ambassadors and non-Muslim Minorities

9 When is War Justified? Eliminating Injustices Responding to Aggression
Protecting the Weak Eliminating Occupation Defending Freedoms (religion, occupation, ideology)

10 Who Declares War and How?
Elected Muslim Ruler with Authority Conditions for the Decisions: Advice and Consent of People’s Representatives Utilizing all avenues of a peaceful solution Giving Sufficient Warning Preparing Fulfilling Islamic conditions for war

11 Islamic Laws Violated on September 11th
Fatwa Islamic Legal System Political Authority Shura/Consultation Rights of Civilians Breach of Treaties and International Laws Premeditated Murder Treason, conspiracy, betrayal Property Rights Sanctity of lives for all peoples

12 Fundamental Islamic Values
Religion Life/Soul Sanity Mercy Honor/ Progeny Property Justice Freedoms

13 Life & Soul Life is God’s Gift (Divinely Protected & Sacred)
Killing ANY Innocent Soul is Prohibited Killing one is Killing all Suicide & Revenge killing are Prohibited Restrictions on Abortion Due Process & Rules For Capital Punishment Jihad/War Rules & Restrictions Reconciliation is Virtuous

14 Mercy “Mercy to the Worlds” Purpose of Creation and Revelation
“The Merciful, The Compassionate” Divine Mercy is for the Merciful Only Mercy Between Family and Kens Mercy Between all neighbors Societal Mercy (Poor, Needy, stranded..) Mercy to Animals and the Environment

15 Justice A Divine Creed The Purpose for Prophets and Revelation
The Foundation of Peace, Social & World Testimony and Justice (Witness & Suspect) Injustice is a Grave Sin Justice for All and on All Justice is as Old as the Truth Innocence, Proofs and Due Process

16 Islamic Solution-1 Ideological
Teaching Islam in its comprehensive understanding Freedoms for Muslim scholars and thinkers Addressing the roots of terrorism in the media Dialogue between the East and the West Focusing on conflict resolutions in troubled areas Replacing Ideological Imposition with Ideological Exchange

17 Islamic Solution-2 Political
Freedom of the press, publication, and assembly Freeing political prisoners Increasing punishment for torture of prisoners Ending support of dictatorships Requiring countries to abide by international law Supporting the right to self determination Denying any country or group illegitimate gains

18 Islamic Solution-3 Political Political freedoms for peoples
Supporting educational and health programs and institutions in the third world De-politicizing foreign aid Ending the veto era Addressing Political Grievances

19 Muslim American Society (MAS)
Q & A Shaker Elsayed Secretary General Muslim American Society (MAS)

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