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Can UCL offer personalised CPD

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1 Can UCL offer personalised CPD
Can UCL offer personalised CPD? One department’s experience of creating a graduate programme for busy healthcare professionals Jeannette Murphy, Jackie Nicholls, Matthew Darlison & Lucy Ireland UCL Centre for Health Informatics & Multiprofessional Education (CHIME)

2 Drivers for CPD for Healthcare Professionals External
Political imperatives Professional imperatives Organisational imperatives Demographic changes Public Health agenda Estimated size of healthcare workforce: 1.4 million (2010)

3 Research: What Clinicians are Seeking
Source: RCN (Wales) and Open University ƒShared & inter professional learning - promoting shared values &understandings ƒƒAccess to blend of learning media including face to face contact, distance learning and eLearning ƒMenu of provision that could be mixed & matched & provided in ‘bite size chunks’

4 Clinician’s Perspective
‘Since I left Med School I’ve been committed to keeping up to speed and trying to be ‘where it’s at’ professionally but the difference now is that whereas I could just follow things that interested me now everything I do - especially if I want work to pay for it - has to have multiple paybacks in terms of time, energy, career development etc’

5 Justifications for a New Programme
UCL - many graduate level modules of potential interest to clinicians and health care managers However, only available to students who register for that programme. Cannot mix and match. Our experience Growing number of students want to take generic modules from our Health Informatics programme without signing up for an award

6 Our Vision A flexible, personalised, individualised programme…
tailored to each student's professional needs allowing students maximum choice and flexibility offering a variety of awards allowing a range of start dates providing a wide variety of modules drawn from existing graduate programmes ​adding maximum value - academically, professionally and personally

7 Structure of HMS programme
Students develop own unique timetable with support from student advisor

8 Key Steps - Implementing the HMS Programme
Explored the market Identified partners in UCL– 12 to date Built website; Module Library a key component Management: Created administrative procedures & routines Designed online orientation & induction materials Recruitment: Marketing, Advertising Figuring out the market – meetings with ACME, discussions with students, research, focus group (RCN), competitor analysis Finding partners – we trawled through existing graduate programmes to identify modules which might be suitable Seeking modules which fit into three broad categories: Clinical Practice &  Patient Care, Professional Development, and Service Development. Approached departments and initiated discussions – whether they would be willing to allow us to make modules available to students who registered on the HMS Programme 12 Partners to date: ACME, CHIME, ICH, Epidemiology & Public Health, Institute for Global Health, Cancer Institute, Institute for Women’s Health, Division of Infection & Immunity,  Primary Care & Population Health, Department of Infection & Population Health,  Division of Surgery & Interventional Science, Medical School

9 HMS Website – Web Content, and more…
Downloadable tools: Module planner Learning needs assessment tool Module Library Collected data from partners Input to Excel/Word Processed Combined in Silva Maximum links to provider departments Currently 43 modules in the Module Library

10 Recruitment No budget to advertise the programme Used email lists
Print marketing - leaflet and flyer Mail shot to NHS Trusts, Royal Colleges Most find programme via UCL prospectus & FindaMasters First year signed up 5 students

11 Obstacles Encountered
UCL processes not always flexible e.g. admissions (norm is one entry per year) Most programmes & modules assume (often implicitly) students study full-time (on campus) Not many modules delivered in way which meets needs of working professionals (few delivered online) Programme cost – deterrent for some Prospectus – not easy to find CPD opportunities Problems giving CPD students equal access to resources e.g. Digital library resources

12 The Students’ Experience
Small cohort of experienced healthcare professionals with clinical and non-clinical background who share similar values: Demand flexible learning opportunities to enable us to balance study with work and family commitments Highly motivated to engage and learn Access to modules to enhance our working practice and future career development Supportive of each other’s learning Keen to provide feedback on experiences to develop the programme so that it continues to meet our needs

13 Student feedback so far
What prompted professional development? Employer supportive? Why chose HMS? Experience so far – meeting needs? Improvements? In conclusion…. We hope this encourages the consideration of existing modules at UCL that may be included in this programme and/or the development of similar learning packages to a professional market.

14 Plans for Future Develop specialised awards
PG Cert HMS (Quality, Information & Safety) Extend Module Library (from existing programmes) Create new modules for HMS Allow students enrol any time during the year

15 Lessons Learned: Advice to others developing short courses, CPD
Students prefer blended learning to complete distance learning but need to consider attendance requirements Study leave: 1-3 day attendance equivalent to conference time therefore more negotiable Weekly attendance not feasible Supporting students and ensuring coherent student experience need lots of staff input Effort needed to build and sustain student communities

16 Talk to us! Perhaps you have modules which might be of interest to healthcare professionals We are keen to find new partners & extend our module library

17 Thanks for Listening Jeannette Murphy, Programme Director
Jackie Nicholls, Programme Lead during the Development Phase Matthew Darlison, Informatics/Webmaster

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