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Knowledge for Healthcare: An Update

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1 Knowledge for Healthcare: An Update
May 2017 We thought it would be useful to provide a brief overview of current work going on in relation to Knowledge for Healthcare Service managers and leads receive ongoing updates at meetings but we are aware that there are often fewer opportunities to update other members of library staff – hence the inclusion here. Knowledge for Healthcare – as you probably know – is our framework for the development of NHS funded library and knowledge services to make them fit for purpose in the developing NHS It began in 2015 an we are entering year 3 of the framework

2 An ambitious vision @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS The vision (read)
The vision is a challenging one in that many NHS bodies do not currently have access to library and knowledge services Furthermore – although some progress has been made on this – patients and the public are still fairly poorly catered for in some areas. @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

3 Working Groups @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS
The Knowledge for Healthcare Framework is a 56 page document highlighting a number of areas for development To make progress more manageable a series of six working groups have been established, each chaired by one of the Library and Knowledge Service Leads and each with a number of task and finish groups within them handling distinct tasks. Mobilising Evidence and Organisational Knowledge looks at how Knowledge Management techniques can be adopted and utilised by NHS Library and Knowledge Services – as this is seen as an area where considerable growth is possible and also where additional skills are required this is one of the two priority areas at the moment Service Transformation is looking at how NHS LKS can change to improve efficiency and streamlining. It covers areas such as sharing Current Awareness processes, document supply, ensuring all NHS staff can access a service, and how to facilitate services which might be collaborating closely due to organisational changes. Patients, Carers and the Public is essentially about the range of roles that NHS Library and Knowledge staff can have in ensuring this group have access to high quality health information in order to inform their health decisions. This is the second of the two priority areas for the current time. Resource Discovery this looks at the continuing provision and development of the core content resources, e-resources, and examines the possibility of national provision of other systems such as Library Management System Quality and Impact Working on researching, providing tools for , and evidencing the impact of NHS LKS on organisations and their staff. There is also an element concerned with service quality including the revision of the Library Quality process – “Son/Daughter of LQAF” Workforce Planning and Development Is all about making sure that our Library and Knowledge Workforce has the skills and knowledge needed to deliver the changes contained within Knowledge for Healthcare. Without staff commitment and up-skilling few of the changes proposed would be possible. @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

4 Knowledge Management Board Tool KM Resources for the Workforce
KM Board Tool KM Postcards KM e-learning KM Toolkit Knowledge Management KM Resources for the Workforce Board Tool KM Development Programme for LKS Testing KM Tools Leadership Prog project KM Toolkit I mentioned that Knowledge Management was one of the key areas within the framework and these are some of the piece of work that have been undertaken recently by this working group A workshop has been developed and will roll out in each region to highlight some of these tools and how they can be used by Library staff in each Trust @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

5 Public and Patient working group
Signpost available training Advice on Information Standards Guidance for Networks Guidance for direct services to patients Public and Patient working group Developing Local Networks Information Standards Provision of Services to Public and Patients LKS Development Programme Provision of health information to patients, carers and the public is another important area. LQAF previously allowed Library and Knowledge Services to proclaim this area “Not Applicable” if host organisations did not ask them to provide these services. We no longer accept a Not Applicable rating and all services are expected to provide some kind of a service even if this is redirecting and signposting to a more appropriate source of information @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

6 Learning Zone
Three main areas Generic skills, Specialist and technical skills Career pathway and vocational skills We mentioned that training, education, and development for staff are seen as key to the delivery of the Knowledge for Healthcare framework. Some of you may have participated in the recent Training and Development Needs Analysis which was sent round as a survey recently. The results of this will inform CPD opportunities over the next months. Already available, however, is the Learning Zone. This is a range of development opportunities provided through the Knowledge for Healthcare Blog Largely electronic/virtual learning opportunities in a number of different areas. @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

7 Learning Zone Signposts to key online resources to CPD
Part of the Workforce Planning and Development Resources: blogs, books, courses, discussion lists, e-books, e-learning, grey literature, journals, people, reports, social media, videos and websites All resources directly related to the library / knowledge management sector, produced by a reputable source, accurate and complete, current with evidence of regular updating and freely accessible @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

8 Learning Zone @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS
This is what it looks like on the Blog @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

9 I encourage you all to have a look at the Knowledge for Healthcare Blog if you haven’t already seen it This will provide an overview of the many tools and resources generated as part of the programme There is a regular news update – the latest one – quite topical - is shown here. You can also sign up to the blog and be updated by whenever new content is added

10 Thanks for listening Any questions
Dominic Gilroy @NHS_HealthEdEng #HEELKS

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