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The cleverest.

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Presentation on theme: "The cleverest."— Presentation transcript:

1 The cleverest

2 Unscramble the words bebAy nuMontme reTteha diStamu liaParmetn uMsemu
leGalry nemaiC areSqu

3 Check yourself abbey monument theatre stadium parliament museum
gallery cinema square

4 Match the parts Big Palace Trafalgar Tower Bloody London White Bridge
Tower Ben Buckingham Square Westminster Abbey The Houses of Tower The Tower of Parliament

5 Check yourself Big Ben Trafalgar Square Bloody Tower White Tower
Tower Bridge Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey The Houses of Parliament The Tower of London

6 Look at the map of London. Find the places you know about. Name them
Look at the map of London. Find the places you know about. Name them. Find and name new places.








14 1. In what Palace does the Queen live?
2 5 4 3 8 7 6 1. In what Palace does the Queen live? 2. What is the Tower of London now? 3. What Abbey plays the role of the Royal church? 4. What square is situated in geographical center of London? 5. In Trafalgar Square there is a monument to Admiral … 6. What is the most famous clock in Great Britain? 7. What gallery can you visit in Trafalgar Square? 8. What birds are the national symbol of London?

15 B m u s e c N k W t i l n g f o h n a v m B u m T e s m n s t e r a s
1 2 m u s e u m c 5 N k 4 T 3 W e s t m i n s t e r l n a s g f 8 r o h a N 7 a t i o n a l a l v m 6 B i g B e n e a n r s 1. In what Palace does the Queen live? 2. What is the Tower of London now? 3. What Abbey plays the role of the Royal church? 4. What square is situated in geographical center of London? 5. In Trafalgar Square there is a monument to Admiral … 6. What is the most famous clock in Great Britain? 7. What gallery can you visit in Trafalgar Square? 8. What birds are the national symbol of London?

16 Answer the questions 1. What are the parts of the UK?
2. What is the name of the Queen of the UK? 3. What is a double-decker? 4. Which birds, according to legend, protect the Tower of London? 5. What is London’s river?

17 Make up a dialogue - You are welcome. Have a nice day.
- Excuse me, am I far from Trafalgar Square? - How can I get there? - I’m afraid you are. - It’s very easy. Take bus №64 and you’ll be there in ten minutes. - Thank you very much.

18 Tell about your trip and put in the missing words
London is the … of Great Britain. It is a very … city. It was founded about two thousand … ago. London is one of the most … and interesting … in Europe. There are ... of … to visit in London. There are a lot of …, art …, cinemas, theatres and … parks in London. cities, countries, capital, famous, places, museums, years, hundred, popular, opera, old, lots, galleries, lovely, important

19 24-26 – your mark is «12» 21-24 – your mark is «11»
Your marks 24-26 – your mark is «12» 21-24 – your mark is «11» 23-20 – your mark is «10»


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