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French- Iranian Seminar on Public Private Partnership And Intermodal Transport Hossein abdoh tabrizi 26 Oct 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "French- Iranian Seminar on Public Private Partnership And Intermodal Transport Hossein abdoh tabrizi 26 Oct 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 French- Iranian Seminar on Public Private Partnership And Intermodal Transport
Hossein abdoh tabrizi 26 Oct 2016

2 Current economical situation
Stagflation situation was a heritage of the last Government Negative demand shock Current government economical policies Credit crunch Negative oil shock

3 challenges High unemployment rate Lower family budgets
To keep unemployment rate at its current level, we need a growth rate of 6% Major engine of economic growth during last Government: “capital factor” Capital stock and economic growth went hand in hand Even with revenues similar to Ahmadinejad’s Government, the growth rate would have dropped to 2%-3% corridor Major demographic changes

4 Inflation rates

5 inflation Average inflation rate: 19.55 %
Single Digit Inflation Rate: 2 Years Two Digit Inflation Rate: 34 Years Inflation Rate over 20 Percent: 17 Years Inflation Rate over 30 Percent: 3 Years Highest Inflation Rate: 49.4 Percent (1995) Lowest Inflation Rate: 6.9 Percent (1985)

6 Last Two years inflation

7 Real GDP shrinkage

8 Real GDP Growth rates

9 Recession Recession in recent years dominated the economy mainly because of two reasons: Negative Aggregate Demand Shock Credit Crunch

10 Nominal budget vs. real budget
Return Source: Central Bank of Iran

11 Credit Crunch

12 Asset and equity of Iranian banks

13 Real interest rate

14 Income per capita growth rate (percent)

15 Household size

16 Major Demographic Changes

17 Unemployment rates

18 Active labor

19 Number of working force in families

Training Education Startups VCs

21 Productivity and capital inputs in the cake of CAPITAL FORMATION
Current share of Capital is too high The missing part of the cake is productivity Return Source: World Bank

22 Startups have huge potentials in energy saving fields
Energy consumption Cheap subsidized energy ended to high consumption rate, and low productivity of industries Startups have huge potentials in energy saving fields 700 million barrels in a year × 60 Dollars 162.2 billion m3 in a year × 50 cents 123 billion dollars

23 Rouhani’s Post-Sanction Economic Strategy Options for Change
Interacting With the World without any Structural Reform Economic Introversion without any Structural Reform Economic Structural Reform with Full Interaction with the World and Full Utilization of National Capacities (Bank Reform/Debt Market/Market-Based Prices/Low Inflation Rate/ Diversifying into All Potential Markets,…)

24 Investment opportunities in different areas
Oil and Gas & Energy Saving Industries Road and Urban Development Mining Industry Branding, Retail, and Tourist Industry Services (Financial Services, IT)

25 Financing Methods Oil Off-taking Products and Services
Restructuring (Privatization Organization) Government Budget & Development Fund Private Sector Capabilities

26 Investment risks Lack of sound rules and compliance in banking sector
Exchange rate risk

27 Investment risks

28 Multiple exchange rate (IRR)
Source: Central Bank of Iran

29 Real Sector VS. Financial Sector
German issue Real Sector VS. Financial Sector (Banks)

30 Horizontal (EU) Agreement Vs. Bilateral Agreements
ECB Vs. Member Countries’ Central Banks

31 Alleviation of Accumulated Bank Worries
OFAC Clearance Compliance: KYC/Sources and Destinations of Funds Bureaucrats in Both Sides (Example: New Over-Dues) Hurdle Removing with Small Projects (Example: Air Bus Deal) HERMES Regulatory Bodies Ratification of $ U-Turn License Money Laundry and Anti- Terrorism Laws LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) FACTA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) Revoking Signed Settlement agreements

32 Investment risks Lack of hedging instruments like futures market
No rating agency for the corporations and financial products

33 Tips Selecting a credible local partner.
Preparing decent business models. Partially financing is a key factor for higher chances to have projects in Iran. Real Estate recession and Real Estate Bubble is still on, so this should be included in making investment decision on real estate in Iran.

34 Tips Governors and mayors are extremely optimistic about all the projects in their region, but there must be a detailed evaluation of those business plans. Overall banking situation is not good mainly because of dominant high interest rates and the bulk of toxic assets. So choosing the right bank to buy into or to work with is a difficult decision to make. Government of Iran owes almost nothing to the world, and its credit standing is high and you can count on it, if working with the Government.

35 Tips Iran is not a member of WTO yet, and the Government discourages import of end goods and services. Setting up assembly line is a way around it. Tariffs are high, so it is recommended to produce inside the Country. Learn about subsidy structures; businesses like electricity are not based on market economy.

36 What is Resilient economy
Economic Resilience is the economy’s ability to restore its normal state after facing a shock. This shock can be either external or internal. Exploring how Iranian economy can bounce back from economic shocks What are the implications of 24 guidelines of this program for foreign investors

37 Implications of Resilient Economy Guidelines for Foreign Investors
Less Interest for Sheer Imports/ Priority for Production in Iran/ Technology Transfer Keen to Enhance Economic Capacities Developed During Sanction Time Span No Monopolistic Rights Awarded No Expansion of Government Sector/ More Breathing Space for Private Sector Avoidance of Debt-Bloated Government/ Staying away from Sovereign Guarantees/More Commercial Guarantees Sidestepping the Potential Foreign Exchange Crisis/More FDI/Less Portfolio Investment Expanding Capital Market Facilities Vs. Downright Reliance on Banks More Diversification in All Frontiers: Imports/Exports/Technologies/Financial Markets/…

38 Yet, Such a Huge Arena of Opportunities
Too Many Problems So Many Obstacles Yet, Such a Huge Arena of Opportunities

39 Thank you

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