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Angular Momentum 7.2.

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1 Angular Momentum 7.2

2 Angular Momentum Tells you how difficult it is to stop a rotating object. The product of an object’s moment of inertia and its angular velocity L = Iω Objects of equal mass but different shapes can have different moments of inertia. (p. 340)

3 Newton’s Second Law for Rotation
A net torque exerted on an object equals the rate of change of the object’s angular momentum. τ = ΔL/Δt

4 Angular Impulse The product of the torque and the time interval over which the torque acts. Angular impulse = τ Δt Angular impulse = change in angular momentum τ Δt = ΔL

5 Conservation of Angular Momentum
The angular momentum of a closed system is constant if no net external torque acts on the system.

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