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Selected Problems of Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Multiple Particle Production

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2 Selected Problems of Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Multiple Particle Production
A.I.Malakhov Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna XXXII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Alushta, 7-13 September 2002

3 It is possible to obtain the record high energy particle beams by means of accelerating the heavy nuclei with large charges January 1, 1971


5 d(d + Cu   -+ …) (x) = d(p + Cu   - + …) max x = p / p  

6 e L.S.Schroeder et al. Phys. Rev. Lett., v.43, No.24, 1979, p.1787 Dependence of T0 parameter for pion at 180o for p-Cu collisions on the energy of incident proton Tp. Pion cross-section parameterized by the form E·d/dp3 = C·exp(-T/T0), where T is the pion laboratory kinetic energy


8 Classification of Relativistic Nuclear Collisions on bik
classic nuclear physics 0.1  bik < 1 intermediate domain bik >> 1 nuclei should be considered as quark-gluon systems



11 The nuclear quark-parton structure function:
The experiments show the following dependence for cross-sections of all nuclei from He up to U:  (AI AII  h1 + …) = k·AIn ·AIIm(x)·exp(-x/<x>) bI 1 > bI II >> 1 0.5  x  3.3 (Cumulative effect: x > 1) m(x) = 2/3 + x (0.5  x  1) m(x) = (x > 1) <x>   The dimension of the multi-quark system which produces cumulative particles The nuclear quark-parton structure function: G(x) ~ exp (-x/<x>)

12 The experiments in LHE (JINR):
The limit fragmentation is realized at bik ≥ 5 The detailed investigation of cumulative particle production has been carried out on more than 20 nuclei The universal values ~ (1/AII) FII (bII 1, x1) practically don’t depend on properties of the nucleus I

13 Multiple Processes in Four-velocity Space



16 Processes with Very High Multiplicity
The theory of these processes was developed at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of JINR (A. Sissakian and J.Manjavidze) in order to understand inelastic high-energy hadronic and nuclear interactions with the hadron multiplicity to be much higher than the average multiplicity




20 In the central rapidity region (y = 0) Ф= (1/m0)[mTchY+](½ sh2Y)
Пmin  dП/dNI = 0; dП/dNII = 0 In the central rapidity region (y = 0) (u1uI) = (u1uII) -Y y Y AI y = AII NI =NII = N = [1 + √1 + (Ф/Ф2)]Ф, where Ф= (1/m0)[mTchY+](½ sh2Y) Ф= (2 - m12)(4m0 2 sh2Y) and Пmin = N chY

21 Asymptotics s/(2mImII)  (uIuII) = ch2Y   N  0
Пmin= (mT/2m0)[1+√1+(2-m12)/mT2 N  0

22 The analytical representation for П leads to the following conclusions:
There is the limiting value of П at high energies The ratio of particle to antiparticle and nucleus to antinucleus production cross-section goes to the unit while energy rising The effective number of nucleons involved in the reaction decreases with increasing collision energy Probability of observation of antinuclei and fragments in the central rapidity region is small Strange particles yield increases with increasing collision energy



25 Veksler & Baldin Laboratory of High Energies
Nuclotron intensity (particles per cycle) Beam have to be (with booster) available JINR p · d · d · ·1010 t · 4He · ·1012 7Li · ·1012 12C · ·1012 24Mg · ·1011 40Ar 84Kr ·108 Veksler & Baldin Laboratory of High Energies Dubna NUCLOTRON

26 Experiments with relativistic nuclei Experiments with polarized beams
Nuclotron Applied investigations

27 Experiments with relativistic nuclei
Nucleon structure Nuclear structure Medium effects on particle production Modification of nuclear matter Hypernuclei and  nuclei

28 Experiments with relativistic nuclei
Nucleon structure NIS project Polarized nucleon strangeness The planned results are: Ratio of  and  meson production cross sections near their thresholds in pp interaction and the comparison on the cross sections for pp and np interactions under similar kinematical conditions SUCH EXPERIMENT IS POSSIBLE IN THE FORESEEN FUTURE ONLY AT NUCLOTRON !

29 Experiments with relativistic nuclei
Nucleon structure STRELA project (d/dt)dp(pp)n = 2/3(d/dt)nppn Study of the spin-dependent component of the nucleon scattering amplitude in the charge-exchange process nppn in a deuteron beam extracted from the Nuclotron

30 Experiments with relativistic nuclei
Nuclear structure BECQUEREL project

31 Experiments with relativistic nuclei
Modification of nuclear matter FAZA project L Hot nuclei F F Termal mulifragmentation Liquid-Fog Phase Transition Tc = (20±2) MeV E

32 Experiments with relativistic nuclei
Hypernuclei GIBS project SPHERE project DELTA project

33 Experiments with polarized beams
Spin structure of the np forward scattering amplitude Spin deuteron structure at short distances Spin structure of the three nucleon systems

34 T(np) Experiments with polarized beams
Spin structure of the np forward scattering amplitude DELTA-SIGMA project is the total cross section for unpolarized particles and are the spin-dependent contributions is a unit vector in the direction of the beam momentum and are the beam (B) and target (T) polarizations T(np)

35 Experiments with polarized beams
Spin deuteron structure at short distances PIKASO project SCAN-2 project

36 Applied research Radiobiology and space biomedicine The impact of nuclear beams on the microelectronic components The transmutation of radioactive waste Accelerator driven energy production

37 Conclusions The Baldin and Veksler Laboratory of High Energies of JINR has obtained unique results in Relativistic Nuclear Physics The relevant programme of physics research will realize by international collaborations at the Nuclotron

38 REFERENCES 1. A.I.Malakhov, Research Program for the Nuclotron, Physics of Atomic Nuclei, Vol.65, No.2, 2002, pp 2. A.M.Baldin, A.I.Malakhov, A.N.Sissakian, Selected Problems of Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Multiple Particle Production, Physics of Particles and Nuclei, Vol.32, Suppl.1 (2001) pp.4-30. 3. V.I.Sharov et al., Measurement of the np total cross section difference L at 1.59, 1.79 and 2.20 GeV, Eur.Phys.J. C 13, 255 (2000). 4. S.Afanasiev et al., Spin Effects at Fragmentation of Polarized Deuterons into Cumulative Pions, In Proceedings of the International Nuclear Physics Conference INPC 2001, Berkeley, California, 2001, Ed. By Eric Norman et al Melville, New York, 2002, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.610, p.395. 5. S.P.Avdeev et al. Transition from thermal to rapid expansion in multifragmentation of gold induced by light relativistic projectiles, Physics Letters B 503 (2001) 6. V.P.Ladygin at al., Measurment of the tensor analyzing powers in the dd  3He n and dd  3H p reactions at RIKEN, Part. And Nucl. Lett. 3[100]-2000 (2000) 74.

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