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“Unto You I Lift Up My Eyes” Psalm 123

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1 “Unto You I Lift Up My Eyes” Psalm 123

2 Part of the psalms of ascents (120-134)
120 - a distressed soul 121- lifting one’s eyes to the hills (Jerusalem in sight) 122 - Gladness as they approach the city 123 - Lifting up the eyes to God

3 I Lift up my eyes to You (1-2)
Looking up to – an expression of admiration and a desire to follow their example and instructions, or depending upon one for protection and provisions.

4 I Lift up my eyes to You (1-2)
We look up to: Eph. 6:1-2 – parents 1 Cor. 11:1 – Paul imitated as he imitated Christ Hebrews 13:7 – our elders Others look up to us – cf. Galatians 2:11-13, 1 Cor. 8:9-12

5 I Lift up my eyes to You (1-2)
Looking up to God He is worthy of admiration – Psalm 111:9, 18:3 His instructions are worthy to be followed – Psalm 119: We can depend on Him – Matt. 28:20, Mal. 3:10 He can protect and provide us – Heb. 13:5-6, Deut. 31:6-8,…

6 I Lift up my eyes to You (1-2)
Looking up to God In the heavens – where He dwells Isaiah 66:1, 1 Kings 8:27 Acts 17:24 – He doesn’t dwell in temples made with hands As such, don’t bring Him down to our level, reverence Him!

7 I Lift up my eyes to You (1-2)
As the eyes of a servant… Possibly a reference to servants waiting in silence for instruction.

8 I Lift up my eyes to You (1-2)
“So our eyes look to the LORD our God”. Let us look to Him… With a willingness to obey – Matt. 28:20, Luke 6:46 With patience – Col. 1:10-11, Isa. 40:31 With a willingness to accept His answer – Matt. 6:10, 26:42 How long? Until He answers! Luke 18:7-8

9 Have mercy on us (3-4) A call for His mercy We need the mercy and grace of God (“Be gracious to us, O LORD, be gracious to us.” – NASB) – Ephesians 2:4-5 1 Peter 1:3

10 Have mercy on us (3-4) We are exceedingly filled with contempt and scorn Contempt – a lack of respect with feelings of despising or viewing one as insignificant Ungodly contempt for others – Cain - Gen. 4:5-8, Esau – Gen. 25:34; Lev. 26:14-15, Malachi 1:6, Romans 2:4, despising the goodness of God

11 Have mercy on us (3-4) We are exceedingly filled with contempt and scorn Godly contempt – Jesus – John 2:13-17 Paul – Galatians 5:12 Tempered with restraint – Rom. 12:19-20

12 Have mercy on us (3-4) We are exceedingly filled with contempt and scorn Contempt for the godly – Prophets – Amos 7:12-13, 2:12, Jeremiah - Jer. 38:6, ch. 36 This is the contempt of our text – they are at ease (Amos 6:1), they were proud Prov. 21:24, 1 Peter 5:5 – God resists

13 Have mercy on us (3-4) We are exceedingly filled with contempt and scorn We too are viewed by an ungodly world with contempt. Examples: 1) The hatred of some advocates of same-sex marriage 2) The hatred of those who teach Jesus is the only way 3) The scorn within religious circles when we challenge unscriptural practices – ie. MDR, faith only, etc.

14 Have mercy on us (3-4) Lesson: The more we face contempt, the more we need to turn to God! Consider Jesus – Matthew 26:62-63, 27:12-14 – He opened not His mouth; Yet on the cross, “Father forgive them…” – Luke 23:34

15 Don’t despise this privilege!
Have mercy on us (3-4) Lesson: When we are facing such trials, let us not forget our God OR our brethren! We need each other – that is one reason we assemble (remember the psalms of ascent) Don’t despise this privilege!

16 Who are you looking up to?

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