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Gridifying the LHCb Monte Carlo simulation system

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1 Gridifying the LHCb Monte Carlo simulation system
Eric van Herwijnen, Joel Closier Friday, 1 march 2002 WP8 Demo for DataGrid Review

2 Contents LHCb distributed computing environment
Demonstration of DataGrid middleware Authentication Job submission to DataGrid Monitoring and control Data replication Resource scheduling – use of CERN MSS

3 LHCb LHC collider experiment 109 events * 1Mb = 1 Pb
We have a distributed computing model Need to create, distribute and keep track of data automatically We need the Grid to handle our distributed computing environment

4 Submit jobs remotely viaWeb Update bookkeeping database Transfer data to Mass store Execute on farm Data Quality Check

5 1. Authentication grid-proxy-init

6 2. Job submission dg-job-submit /home/evh/sicb/sicb/bbincl jdl -o /home/evh/logsub bbincl jdl: # Executable = "script_prod"; Arguments = " ,v235r4dst,v233r2"; StdOutput = "file output"; StdError = "file err"; InputSandbox = {"/home/evhtbed/scripts/x509up_u149","/home/evhtbed/sicb/mcsend","/home/evhtbed/sicb/fsize","/home/evhtbed/sicb/cdispose.class","/home/evhtbed/v235r4dst.tar.gz","/home/evhtbed/sicb/sicb/bbincl sh","/home/evhtbed/script_prod","/home/evhtbed/sicb/sicb dat","/home/evhtbed/sicb/sicb dat","/home/evhtbed/sicb/sicb dat","/home/evhtbed/v233r2.tar.gz"}; OutputSandbox = {"job txt","D ","file output","file err","job txt","job txt"};

7 3. Monitoring and control

8 3. Monitoring and control
dg-job-status dg-job-cancel dg-job-get-output

9 CERN testbed Compute Element Storage Element data Local disk Job globus-url-copy data register-local-file publish replica catalog (Nikhef) replica-get Rest-of-Grid Job data Storage Element

10 4. Publish data on storage element
Copy data file to storage element: globus-url-copy file:///${chemin}/L69999 gsi Register stored data in the catalog: /opt/globus/bin/globus-job-run /bin/bash -c "export GDMP_CONFIG_FILE=/opt/edg/lhcb/etc/gdmp.conf;/opt/edg/bin/gdmp_register_local_file -d /flatfiles/SE1/lhcb" Publish catalog: /opt/globus/bin/globus-job-run /bin/bash -c "export GDMP_CONFIG_FILE=/opt/edg/lhcb/etc/gdmp.conf; /opt/edg/bin/gdmp_publish_catalogue -n"

11 5. Resource scheduling – use of CERN MSS
Copy output to MSS: rfcp L /castor/ JDL to specify use of CERN MSS: Executable = "script_prod"; Arguments = " ,v235r4dst,v233r2"; StdOutput = "file output"; StdError = "file err"; OutputSE = ""; InputSandbox = {"/home/evhtbed/scripts/x509up_u149","/home/evhtbed/sicb/mcsend","/home/evhtbed/sicb/fsize","/home/evhtbed/sicb/cdispose.class","/home/evhtbed/v235r4dst.tar.gz","/home/evhtbed/sicb/sicb/bbincl sh","/home/evhtbed/script_prod","/home/evhtbed/sicb/sicb dat","/home/evhtbed/sicb/sicb dat","/home/evhtbed/sicb/sicb dat","/home/evhtbed/v233r2.tar.gz"}; OutputSandbox = {"job txt","D ","file output","file err","job txt","job txt"};

12 6. Inspection of replica catalog
Inspect replica catalog

13 Data Quality Analysis of testbed data histograms on web

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