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Angļu valodas eksāmena rakstīšanas daļas analīze

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1 Angļu valodas eksāmena rakstīšanas daļas analīze
Tatjana Kunda Rīgas 63. vidusskola


3 Assessment Criteria Contents Organisation Grammar Vocabulary
Orthography Task 1 – 15 points Task 2 – 25 points

4 Task 1 LEARNING LANGUAGES Your friend, Anna, has problems learning foreign languages. Write a letter to her describing how you learnt English and suggesting ways how she could become a better language learner.

5 Task 1 Specifications Time 25 minutes Genre Letter (personal) Topic
Languages No of words expected 100 – 120 Rhetorical function(s) expected describing, suggesting Register Informal Domain Personal Grammatical competence expected B1 Lexical competence expected Rhetorical functions – the major ones. Others could be present – giving opinion, reasons, etc. – higher level

6 B1 ‘The B1 language user has mastered the basic structures of the language and is beginning to attempt to produce more complex language.’ (EnglishProfile, 2011:13)

7 Key Distinguishing Features
Key Feature Example -ing clauses Maria saw him taking a taxi. Whose relative clauses ... This famous painter whose pictures I like so much. Indirect questions Guess where it is. Clauses with what as subject/object This is what I think. Verb+object+infinitive I ordered him to gather my men. Some complex auxiliaries Would rather, had better Additional modal uses I have invited all his friends, so we should be 28 people

8 Dear Anna, Last time we spoke you mentioned that you have difficulties learning foreign languages and it really concerns me. I will try to help you in this matter by using some examples from my own experience. To begin with, learning English was not easy for me as well. Besides attending English lessons at school I have also studied the language in different courses. What is more, I attended an English summer school in Oxford. I would definitely recommend taking after school language activities, and, moreover, you should consider going abroad, because living in the target language speaking community can significantly enhance your results. I hope this can atleast slightly help you to improve your learning ability. Yours sincerely, XXX.

9 Problems do not include all content points:
either experience or suggestions; do not observe the word count; include redundant information; do not follow letter format: Salutations, sign offs (Into Europe The Writing Handbook, 64)

10 Task 2 (25 points) FILMS VERSUS BOOKS A lot of young people nowadays think that it is much better to watch a film version of a book than to read it. Write an essay expressing your opinion and providing reasons to support your point of view.

11 Task Specifications Time 45 minutes Topic Films, books
No of words expected 200 – 250 words Rhetorical function(s) expected giving opinion, giving reasons, comparing and contrasting, explaining Register Semi-formal to formal Domain personal Grammatical competence expected C1 Lexical competence expected

12 Content text relevance to the topic:
scripts about films and books in general; Cannot find ‘key words’ in the rubric; cannot express and support their opinion; lack precision in expressing ideas; digress from the topic; ‘a lot of text, little information’. ‘English is present, thoughts – absent’

13 Organisation texts lack coherence (logical organisation);
wrong use of connectors; Inappropriate paragraphing; Students do not plan their work;

14 Orthography english, englisch, englis, anglish, inglish, endlish
by/bi, bay, buy ofcorse, offcourse, ofcars beast wishes Firstable, firstfull, firstaful I am curtain With good witches, ... .

15 ‘In the past black and white films were about colourful life, but today colourful films are about black and white life.’ ‘A restaurant definitely will take more time than eating in McDonalds but the meal will be much more enjoyable, like an adventure, not only filling of your stomach.’ ‘A lot of people say that I’m a bookworm. So, at last this bookworm has something to say.’ ‘Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.’

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