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Chapter 7: The Civilizations of Asia & Africa

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1 Chapter 7: The Civilizations of Asia & Africa
I. India

2 India Topography River systems Many peoples, customs, languages

3 Early Civilization Leading cities: Trade
Mohenjo-Daro Harappa Trade Indus civilization ended suddenly

4 Early Civilization Aryans Sanskrit Vedas

5 Key Features of Indian Society
Joint family Village life Castes Very rigid Four broad classes Untouchables

6 Religion Hinduism Unifying influence No formal system of doctrine
Basic tenets found in Vedas and Upanishads Brahman Wheel of life

7 Religion Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama Four Noble Truths

8 Four Noble Truths Suffering is part of all existence.
Suffering has a cause— selfish desires. Suffering can be overcome by destroying selfish desires.

9 Four Noble Truths 4. If a man follows the Eightfold Path, he will destroy selfish desires and end all suffering.

10 Religion Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama Four Noble Truths
Built on works and moral behavior Nirvana

11 Lack of Political Unity
Mauryan Empire Chandragupta Maurya Asoka All of India but the southern tip Renounced war and converted to Buddhism Spread Buddhism

12 Lack of Political Unity
Gupta Empire 4th century AD Era of prosperity and achievement Arts and sciences Kalidasa Collapsed in 6th century White Huns

13 Lack of Political Unity
Northern India fell to Muslim domination Established a kingdom in 1206 Conflict in society Hostilities continue to the present day

14 Chapter 7: The Civilizations of Asia & Africa
II. China

15 The Land Middle Kingdom
Land size slightly smaller than the United States Major river systems Huang He Yangtze

16 The Land Remained isolated Unique and stable culture Pacific Ocean
Himalayan Mountains Gobi Desert Unique and stable culture

17 Societal Features Strong Family Ties Family the center of life
Ancestor worship

18 Societal Features Language and Learning Tonal quality
Common written language 65,000 characters Difficult to learn A “scholar’s world” Civil service examinations

19 Chinese Thought and Life
Confucianism Confucius was a teacher System of ethics Five basic human relationships

20 Five Basic Human Relationships
Father and son Elder and younger brothers Husband and wife Friend and friend Ruler and subjects

21 Chinese Thought and Life
Confucianism Confucius was a teacher System of ethics Five basic human relationships The major defect

22 Chinese Thought and Life
Taoism Lao-tzu Tao is the pervading force in nature Simple, inactive lifestyle Conflicts in some ways with Confucianism

23 Dynastic History Dynastic cycle Shang Dynasty Began around 1500 BC
United much of northern China

24 Dynastic History Zhou Dynasty Began around 1000 BC
Lasted over 800 years Classical, formative age Decentralized government

25 Dynastic History Qin Dynasty Qin Shi Huang (r. 247-210)
United provinces under one strong centralized government Began construction of Great Wall His tomb

26 Dynastic History Han Dynasty Established 202 BC Wu Ti
Civil service system Pax Sinica Trade routes opened

27 Dynastic History Tang Dynasty Came to power in AD 618 A golden age
Chinese poetry Li Po Collapsed shortly after 900

28 Dynastic History Song Dynasty Politically weak
Trade and culture flourished

29 Chinese Culture & the Western World
China resisted the introduction of foreign elements Westerners sought their goods Discoveries and inventions

30 Chapter 7: The Civilizations of Asia & Africa
III. Japan

31 Early History Little is known Clans Yamato clan Shintoism
Legends and myths Clans Yamato clan Unified Japanese state Jimmu Tenno Shintoism

32 Influence of China Invasion ideas, learning, and art
5th-8th centuries Chinese writing system Buddhism Prince Shotoku

33 Influence of China Extended power of emperor Powerful families
Taika Reform Capital at Nara Powerful families Fujiwara

34 Rise of the Samurai Central government had become corrupt
Yoritomo became supreme military leader Shogun Warrior state

35 Rise of the Samurai Samurai Training Bushido Hara-kiri

36 Chapter 7: The Civilizations of Asia & Africa
IV. The Mongol Empire

37 The Mongol Empire Warriors from central Asia Huns Turks Mongols
Largest land empire in history

38 Building The Mongol Empire
Temujin United all the Mongol tribes “Chinggis Khan” Conquered much of Asia Northern China Central Asia Persia Southern Russia

39 Building The Mongol Empire
The Mongol army Could strike with great speed Expert horsemen Terrorized peoples Empire became too large for one man to rule

40 Yuan Dynasty in China 1279-1368 Completed by Kublai Khan Marco Polo
Conquered southern China Established Mongol (Yuan) dynasty to rule all of China Moved capital to Beijing Marco Polo

41 Yuan Dynasty in China After Kublai’s death:
Mongol empire in Asia became fragmented His descendants ruled China Rebellion broke out in China Mongol rulers driven out Beginning of Ming dynasty

42 Golden Horde in Russia Batu Khan
Conquered Russia and moved into Hungary and Poland Tartars “Golden Horde” 250 years

43 Golden Horde in Russia Moscow becomes capital Ivan III Location
Grand Prince Orthodox Church Ivan III

44 Later Mongol Empires Tamerlane’s Empire Central Asia New invasions
Able, but cruel His empire collapsed shortly after his death

45 Later Mongol Empires Mughal Empire in India
Babur invaded northern India Mughal dynasty Akbar Expanded the empire Slaughtered Hindus in the name of Islam

46 Chapter 7: The Civilizations of Asia & Africa
V. Africa

47 Africa Second largest continent Sub-Saharan Africa

48 Ancient African Civilization
Kingdom of Kush Conquered Egypt Driven out by Assyrians Aksum Defeated Kushites around AD 330 Frumentius

49 Central and Western Africa
Kanem and Bornu On Lake Chad Kingdoms of Western Africa Ghana (ca )

50 Central and Western Africa
Kingdoms of Western Africa Mali ( ) Mansa Musa Pilgrimage to Mecca Timbuktu Center of learning Songhai (ended 1591)

51 East African City-States
Trading ports Grew wealthy and cultured Common culture Swahili language

52 Forest Kingdoms Records are scarce Kingdom of Benin
Artistic accomplishments

53 African Culture Family was foundational Polygamy was common Clan Tribe

54 African Culture Religious beliefs Trade Forms of Christianity Islam
Tribal religions Trade Caravan trade European sailors Slave trade

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