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Nikolaos Matskanis Common Information Space – Cluster of European Projects for Enhanced Interoperability The.

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1 Nikolaos Matskanis
Common Information Space – Cluster of European Projects for Enhanced Interoperability The project Nikolaos Matskanis

FP7 REDIRNET (03/ /2016) Interoperability of additional IT systems such as databases, sensor systems and cameras FP7 FREESIC (02/ /2014) Introduces a generic WEB 2.0 (do it yourself) approach to the setup of interoperability and focuses on the resolution of non-technical interoperability issues FP7 SECRICOM (09/ /2012) Focuses on technical aspects of secure interoperability

3 REDIRNET - The basic idea
Emergency and rescue agencies often have their operational responses hindered by lack of access to relevant available information held by other agencies such as databases, sensors and cameras REDIRNET META-DATA INTERFACE REDIRNET is based on the unification of meta-data interfaces with socio-professional networking ones to allow agencies to configure and control all the attributes of their interoperability with other agencies

4 How it works Following agreement for interoperability between Agency A and B, Agency B is offering a data stream from Sensor 4 and Camera 2 to Agency A. This data stream is received in Agency A’s control room on its own sensor 6 and camera 3 positions and can be passed to Agency A’s deployed officers in accordance with their procedures and device capabilities. REDIRNET provides a Common Meta-Data Gateway combined with a collaboration networking system. Each agency can set the visibility and controllability of its data by partner agency and/or data field

5 Main parts Collaboration Web – Socio-professional networking among emergency responders and other data providers / consumers. REDIRNET Monitoring Center –Seamless operation of the monitoring module Ontology Repository - Semantic approach for optimized resource search. Stream/Static data Plugins - Data consuming/producing plugins Data Analysis Plugin – analyzing emergency logs form agencies. Secure Agent Infrastructure – agent based resource polling system. Main Switch and Gateway(s) – General secured transport mechanism and CDS interconnection Security Services

6 Collaboration Web Portal
Agency's profile section Profile based search optimization user role definition Resource registration - High level permission control - Adding authorized group of partners to a resource

7 REDIRNET Monitoring Center
Features Advanced search capability - Keywords, Geozones Search results Map based data source navigation Details of data resources View the content of data resource Connection to Secure Agent Infrastructure

8 Emergency Responder Data Interoperability Network
Funded under FP7-SECURITY From to Project has been successfully completed! Final demonstration (

9 Project Consortium

10 Backup Slides

11 How it is built 11

12 Main transport components
Main Switch Proxy factory Part of Main Switch Core data distribution and switching component Controller Holds info about availability of current resources Checks request permission against CDS Commands Proxy Factory to create/get Proxy Propagates Proxy URI to providing and consuming Gateways Gateway Provider: Holds primary info about availability of resources Provider: Push (via HTTP/POST) requested resource to Proxy Consumer: Push resource request to Controller Consumer: Propagates Proxy URI to consuming Plug-in Plug-in Provider: Ensures that provided resource is available at specified URI Provider: Reports changes in resource availability to Gateway Consumer: Asks Gateway for resource Consumer: Presents resource from obtained URI to user 12

13 REDIRNET Ontology & Ontology Services
REDIRNET Core Ontology Emergel Ontology DISASTER FP7 project Event description (vehicles, parties involved, location, etc) JC3IEDM Ontology MIP-NATO Management Board High level concepts for each Crisis C&C centre Agency Capability concepts FOAF, DBpedia, GeoNames etc Domain Ontologies Police domain Ontology domain experts (BAPCO) Police Resources, Departments, Units Command structure in Crisis situation The Hospital Ontology SAI poll service Hospital resources based on use case The Fire and Rescue domain ontology Experts from two Czech fire departments Operations and command structure concepts Resources: vehicles, tools and fire fighting equipment, electronic devices for communication, sensors

14 Developed Plug-ins CCTV, Thermal image Fire alarm systems
Intrusion systems Hikvision IP and analogue CCTV FLIR thermal chip Bentel, Honeywell GE ATS, DSC 14

15 Agent Polling Service - Retrieving Poll results
Alpha Comms Support M7 15

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