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Kickoff meeting - HTS Tl-based coatings for FCC beam screens

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1 Kickoff meeting - HTS Tl-based coatings for FCC beam screens
M. Eisterer, Atominstitut, TU Wien CERN, November 13th 2015

2 Outline Introduction of TU Wien
Atominstitut Department of Low Temperature Physics and Superconductivity Main facilities Recent project and results

3 TU Wien (formerly: Vienna University of Technology)
29000 students, 4600 employees 8 faculties Faculty of Physics: 1893 students (~200 graduates/year) 5 Institutes

4 Atominstitut 8 groups (focus on quantum physics) 32 scientific staff
29 technical staff 75 project staff

5 TRIGA MARK-II reactor Neutron flux density (1985): 2.1 × 1017 m-2s-1
Thermal (<0.55 eV) neutron flux density: 6.1 × 1016 m-2s-1 Fast (>0.1 MeV) neutron flux density: 7.6 × 1016 m-2s-1 About 60 % after core renewal in 2012

6 Low Temperature Physics and Superconductivity (LTP)
Head of group: Prof. Em.: Permanent staff: Franz Sauerzopf Harald Weber Michael Eisterer Postdocs: Thomas Baumgartner Rainer Prokopec Martin Zehetmayer PhD students: David Fischer Johannes Hecher Wofgang Seeböck Mayraluna Lao

7 Equipment LTP: resistive measurements
17 T superconducting magnet VTI: ~ K Currents up to 1000 A in liquid helium, and up to 300 A in helium gas AC-susceptibility insert available 6T superconducting magnet 4-300 K Up to 150 A Two-axes goniometer Assessment of the critical current anisotropy Variable Lorentz force

8 Equipment LTP: magnetization
Two commercial SQUID (MPMS, Quantum Design) 2-320 K, max. 7 T DC and AC-susceptibility Vector VSM (Oxford Instruments) Split pair magnet: horizontal field Rotation stage Parallel and orthogonal magnetic moment 2-350 K Max. 5 T

9 Equipment LTP: scanning probe measurements
Scanning Hall probe device Liquid nitrogen Self-field, AC/DC fields up to 100 mT Scan range: 10×25 cm2 Spatial resolution: 30 µm

10 Equipment LTP: scanning probe measurements
Scanning Hall probe microscope 3-150 K 8 T superconducting magnet Scan range: 3×3 mm2 Spatial resolution: 2 µm Commercial AFM/MFM/STM (attocube) 4-70 K 7 T superconducting magnet Scan range: 30×30 µm2 Spatial resolution: < 1 nm

11 Recent and Running Projects
Results Recent and Running Projects

12 FP-7 SuperIron / Austrian Science Fund FWF
Angle-resolved magnetization measurements on Ba-122 single crystals Angular scaling Jc(q) in Co-doped pristine crystal Small defects (r<x) Large defects (r>x) Demonstration of the scaling factor of Jc for large spherical defects

13 FP-7 SuperIron / Austrian Science Fund FWF
Angle-resolved transport measurements on Ba-122 films cos = cos cos Jc depends on a only, irrespective of the Lorentz force. “One-dimensional pinning behavior”

14 FP-7 SuperIron / Austrian Science Fund FWF
Micro-Hall scanning on polycrystalline bulk Ba-122 Gap between Hall probe and surface 2 µm 15 µm Inter- and intra-granular Jc can be assessed.

15 Fp7-EuroTapes Micro-Hall scanning on RaBiTS tapes
Inversion of the field profile → local currents Comparison with the local grain structure (EBSD)

16 Fp7-EuroTapes Micro-Hall scanning on RaBiTS tapes
In-field behavior of grain boundary Pinning within grains

17 Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Correlation between Jc, fishtail-effect, and vortex arrangement in NbSe2

18 EuroFusion Influence of neutron radiation on coated conductor performance

19 Collaboration with CERN (LHC upgrade)
Influence of particle irradiation on Nb3Sn wires, e.g. Ti alloyed RRR Nb3Sn wire (OST) Nb3Sn wires are still not optimized yet!

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