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Electromagnetic Radiation

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Presentation on theme: "Electromagnetic Radiation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electromagnetic Radiation

2 What are X-rays? Form of high energy ionizing electromagnetic radiation Weightless package of pure energy(photon) with no electrical charge traveling in waves with a specific frequency (speed of light) Greater frequency of x-rays gives them greater energy Greater energy = greater chance to penetrate matter

3 Properties of Electromagnetic Radiation
Have no mass or weight Have no electrical charge Travel at the speed of light (3x186,000 miles/second) Travel as both a particle and a wave Propagate an electric field at right angles to path of travel Propagate a magnetic field at right angles to the electric field Have different measurable energies (frequencies and wavelengths.


5 Radiation Physics Electromagnetic Radiation Physical Properties - Wavelength Wavelength Electromagnetic radiations are considered to be tiny bundles or packets of pure energy that travel with a wave -like motion.

6 Wave lengths

7 Wavelengths Can be defined as the distance between the crest of one wave to the crest of the next. Wavelength determines the energy and penetrating power of the radiation. The shorter the distance between the crests, the shorter is the wavelength and the higher is the energy and ability to penetrate matter.

8 Frequency and Velocity
Refers to the number of wavelengths that pass a given point in a certain amount of time. Frequency and wavelength are inversely related If the frequency of the wave is high, the wavelength will be short, and if the frequency is low, the wavelength will be long. Velocity Refers to the speed of the wave, All electromagnetic radiations travel as waves or a continuous sequence of crests at the speed of light in a vacuum


10 In Summary X-rays can be defined as weightless bundles of energy (photons) without an electrical charge that travel in waves with a specific frequency at the speed of light. X-rays interact with the materials they penetrate and cause ionization.

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