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National Maritime Security Advisory Committee

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1 National Maritime Security Advisory Committee
Bob Reimann, work in CG-FAC-1 (Critical Infrastructure Security Branch). Alternate Designated Federal Officer (ADFO) for the Hazardous Cargo Transportation Security Subcommittee (HCTSS). Work with CAPT Marcus Woodring (ret), he is our conduit to NMSAC. Attached brief is mostly the information John Temperelli (HCTSS chair) gave at the last CTAC meeting (approximately 2 months ago). EHC Briefing April 26, 2017 For Audio, please dial ; the pass code is #

2 Hazardous Cargo Transportation Security Subcommittee (HCTSS)- CTAC Subcommittee Task Statement
HCTSS task statement signed 28 Sept 16. Written using the Strategy and Study as templates (as mandated by the 2010 CGAA, Section 812). Review at the beginning of every subcommittee meeting.

3 HCTSS Task Statement cont.
Go over new issues on the MTS that may affect any tasks (e.g., market changes on what's being pushed on the rivers, etc). Any new regulations or issues that may affect the implementation of the task statement. A lot of what we discuss is the NOTION of how Industry gets the risk intel they do day-to-day security on the MTS (best practices, information sharing).

4 HCTSS Task Statement cont.
Prioritization of the tasks. Tasks still pertinent? Last meeting we broke up a lot of the tasks into bite size pieces – assign tasks to certain individuals.

5 HCTSS Task Statement cont.
Constantly reviewing due dates to see if there realistic or possibly changing because of new issues that may arise?

6 November 17th meeting minutes – Subject Matter Expert mix from CTAC and NMSAC (HCTSS)
Key Discussions - Alternatives to funding and information gathering •Can we use data from old (2011) commodity flow study? •If new commodity flow study cannot be funded, what are alternatives? •Need a matrix with the following information – volume; use; transport data (load/unload). •Craft and deliver a questionnaire focused on CDC’s of concern. Create a delivery method using USCG, private industry, Industry Organizations or a combination of the three. Effective delivery conduit is key. •Discuss priorities of task statement •Discuss other risk rated CDC’s for consideration of inclusion on list. Meeting before last. ABS conducted a Commodity Flow Study for CG-FAC back in 2011. Unfortunately, members of the subcommittee came to the conclusion that we cannot use the information from the 2011 study. Market changes along with new customers emerging in a wider variety of regions rendered most of the information unusable. The subcommittee is currently working with local officials and SMEs in monitoring EHCs. Conducting the new study will require data to be made available and shared. We are envisioning an interactive study in which members of the subcommittee can revise and inform as market changes occur. The subcommittee is putting together a list of helpful points of contact for future information and reference. Our goal is to provide all involved enough knowledge to update the report, or at least monitor changes and trends within the chemical transportation community to determine whether the current or future risk changes. Exxon in Corpus Christie to start producing ethylene.

7 Deep water representation

8 Tug and barge representation (kirby

9 Focus & Intent Especially Hazardous Cargo – LPG, LNG, Anhydrous Ammonia, Chlorine, Ammonium Nitrate. •Other dangerous cargo considerations – Acetone Cyanohydrin, Vinyl Chloride, Hydrogen Fluoride, Hydrogen Cyanide. •Waterside safety & security of vessels carrying and facilities handling EHC’s (Especially Hazardous Cargo). Focus and intent of both the Strategy implementation and subcommittee task statement. 5 cargoes of concern Section 812 of the 2010 CGAA also mentions “any other cargoes as the Secretary may deem appropriate”. Vessels carrying and facilities handling.

10 Focus & Intent cont. National Strategy for waterside security of vessels carrying and facilities handling EHC’s. • The Strategy for Waterside Security of Especially Hazardous Cargo seeks to reduce risk while considering all costs and promoting economic growth. • Incorporation of EHC’s as part of a larger all-hazard protection scheme. • Incorporating intent of President’s Executive Order (improving chemical facility safety & security). reduce risk while considering all costs and promoting economic growth. focus on all hazard protection scheme. DHS led safety group. OSHA and EPA leading effort. Little to no EHC equity.

11 HCTSS Chronology Committee Acceptance of proposed task in April 2016 at CTAC Houston Meeting. •Conference Call with NMSAC regarding introduction of Task Statement to NMSAC –July 5, 2016. •CTAC/NMSAC HCTS Subcommittee Joint Meeting - Port of Houston - August 16, Subcommittee and Task Statement Introduction, Document and Statement Review – 8 CTAC, 5 NMSAC, 7 SME’s. Subcommittee history Marcus Woodring hosted meeting

12 HCTSS Subcommittee Activity
HCTSS met on afternoon of September 27 and morning of September 28 at USCG HQ. • Subcommittee review, discussion and edit of Task Statement • Agreement on final task statement • Subcommittee review, discussion and edit of Project Work Scope regarding EHC/CDC Commodity Study • Initial discussion regarding other CDC’s of concern and review of spread sheet regarding chemical hazards (49 CFR table crafted & edited by Delmas Jones). More information on corporate history of the HCTSS

13 Questions?

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