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The Jewish Scriptures.

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1 The Jewish Scriptures

2 The Tanak The Jewish Bible is called the TANAK and it consists of:
1. The Law (Torah) 2. The Prophets 3. The Writings The books in the Tanak basically form the Old Testament of the Christian Bible.

3 1. The Law: The Books of Moses
Genesis: -story of creation -Jewish Patriarchs Exodus: -story of escape from slavery -covenant (10 Commandments)

4 The Law Continued… Leviticus: -worship in the desert Numbers:
-experiences -list of names Deuteronomy: -laws -explanations of laws

5 2. The Prophets The Prophets includes: Judges, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc.

6 3. The Writings The Writings includes: Psalms, Proverbs, Chronicles, etc.

7 The Talmud means "teaching" or "instructions''
takes second place to Jewish Scriptures as written authority governing Jewish life and faith applies scripture to everyday life The Talmud consists of: 1. Mishnah 2. Gemara

8 The Parts of The Talmud 1. Mishnah
compiled by Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Judah completed around 200 C.E. wide range of subjects from festivals, rights of poor, laws regarding marriage, divorce, civil and criminal law 2. Gemara consolidation and interpretation of laws continued in Babylon commentary on the Mishnah Completed around C.E

9 Important points to consider:
A major function of Synagogues today is to provide a place for the Jews to gather in order to read, interpret and study the Torah. Illiteracy was virtually unknown amongst the Jews at the times in history when very few could read. Learning was always very highly prized. Study of the Torah has always been commanded. Many believe that this dedication to scripture helped Judaism survive their mobile history. Other texts considered sacred writing include: other books of the Old Testament, week day prayer book, commentaries on the Law, and mystical writings and sayings of inspired teachers

10 Textbook Work: Read p. 127-129 and answer the following:
How do the Creation stories differ from each other? What do the Creation stories reveal about God and human nature? Why is Abraham a key figure for the Jewish people? Read p and answer the following: Why is Moses an important figure for the Jewish people? Copy the 10 Commandments. In your opinion, what Commandments are the toughest to follow? Explain.

11 Textbook Work: Read p. 132 and answer the following:
What is King David known for? Explain the importance of the Temple. Read the passage, “The Synagogue” on p and make summary notes.

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