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Grammar Notes & Ex.- Subject-Verb Agreement

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1 Grammar Notes & Ex.- Subject-Verb Agreement
Grammar Notes Subject-Verb Agreement (Freshmen)

2 Grammar Notes & Ex.- Subject-Verb Agreement
A verb should agree in NUMBER with its subject. Singular subjects take singular verbs. Ex: HE WASHES the dishes. The singular verb WASHES agrees with the singular subject HE Plural subjects take plural verbs Ex: The GIRLS in my school PLAY in the band. The plural verb PLAY agrees with the plural subject GIRLS

3 Grammar Notes & Ex.- Subject-Verb Agreement
A compound subject is two or more subjects joined by a conjunction that have the same verb. Subjects joined by “and” generally take a plural verb Ex: Rhyme, rhythm, and imagery help poets express their feelings. Three things help. Singular subjects joined by “or”/”nor” take singular verbs & vice versa Ex: After dinner, either Anne or Tony loads the dishwasher. Anne loads the dishwasher or Tony loads the dishwasher. When a singular subject and a plural subject are joined by “or”/”nor” the verb agrees with the subject nearer the verb Ex: Neither the children nor their mother was ready for the trip. The verb was agrees with the singular subject mother

4 Grammar Notes & Ex.- Subject-Verb Agreement
The contractions don’t and doesn’t should agree with their subjects. Use don’t with all plural subjects & with the pronouns I and You Ex: I don’t know We don’t want to Use doesn’t with all singular subjects except the pronouns I and You Ex: He doesn’t know It doesn’t want to


6 Grammar Notes & Ex.- Verb Tense & Shifting
Grammar Notes VERB TENSE & SHIFTING (Sophomore & Junior)

7 Grammar Notes & Ex.- Verb Tense & Shifting
The tense of a verb indicates the time of the action or the state of being expressed by the verb.

8 Grammar Notes & Ex.- Verb Tense & Shifting
The Six Tenses: Present Tense: occurs in the “now” Past Tense: in the past; not occurring in present Future Tense: something that “will occur” Present Perfect Tense: occurred in the some point Ex: She has visited Ireland. The Past Perfect Tense: past action that ended before another past action occurs Ex: Mr. Monteux told us the he had been a Peace Corps volunteer in Somalia. The Future Perfect: action that will end before another future action Ex: By the time you get this , I will have returned home.

9 Grammar Notes & Ex.- Verb Tense & Shifting
Consistency of Tense When describing events that occur at the same time, use verbs in the same tense Ex: Ray looked through his binoculars and saw a large bear as it raced back to the woods. All the verbs are in the past tense When describing events that occur at different times, use different tenses to show sequence of events. Ex: Her family lives next door but will be moving next month. Present tense lives is correct since it occurs now Future tense will be moving is correct as it will be occurring in the future

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