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Management Is…? In Indonesian is Management can Handle or Manage. So it can be interpreted Management is an activity that has been structured to.

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3 Management Is…? In Indonesian is Management can Handle or Manage. So it can be interpreted Management is an activity that has been structured to achieve a goal.

4 The Management Process
Input Process Output Outcome/Feedback Input is what goes into the system. Material,components and etc. Process is part of the system where the information is changed. Productions lines. Output is what comes out of the system Manufactured goods Outcome/Feedback is how the input is changed.

5 The Elements in Management according to George R
The Elements in Management according to George R. Terry in his book “Principles of Management” Man atau Manusia Money atau Uang Materials atau Bahan Machine atau Mesin Methods atau Metode Markets atau Pasar

6 The Level of Management

7 Example The Level of Management
Top Management like a Direction Chief of Executive Middle Management like a Department of Division Head First Line or Lower Management like Worker

8 function of management

9 REFERENSI BAHAN RUJUKAN “Dasar – Dasar Manajemen” dari Dr. H. M
REFERENSI BAHAN RUJUKAN “Dasar – Dasar Manajemen” dari Dr. H.M. Anton Athoillah, M.M. Penerbit PUSTAKA SETIA Bandung dan Dosen Pengajar Hj. I.G.A Ayu Nitya Dharmani selaku Dosen Narotama

10 Thanks for your attention
Created by : Wahab Edi Saputra Novi Yanti Cahya Basuki Dosen : Hj. I.G.A Ayu Nitya Dharmani

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