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Welcome To Mrs. Bates Class!!! Find a seat and wait quietly.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To Mrs. Bates Class!!! Find a seat and wait quietly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome To Mrs. Bates Class!!! Find a seat and wait quietly.


3 Mesquite Abilene

4 Abilene Christian University
12th year teaching Every grade from Kindergarten to 11th Grade Algebra II, But…. 3rd grade 

5 My Family

6 Ok, so you know a little about me. Let’s get to know our classmates!!

7 Tell us a little about you…
Name Favorite Movie

8 Expectations

9 What does a math class look like to you?
With your group discuss how you think the perfect math class would look/operate Make class anchor chart

10 Choices, Rewards, And Consequences
Your behavior is your choice and your responsibility. When student behavior is exemplary, there will be rewards. Breaking school or class rules has consequences. Send kids to AP’s when they are reoccurring;

11 Mrs, I am hungry… CTMS has decided you are not allowed to:
Chew gum in class, Eat candy, food, or snacks You can have these if the teacher gives it you

12 What do I bring to class…
Composition Books Completed Homework Computer Pencil(s)

13 Supplies Paper towels Glue Stick Glue Wipes Tissues Zip Lock Bags Expo Markers Highlighters Colored Pencils

14 Class Procedures

15 Daily Routine… Daily Warm-up Lesson/Think Aloud Work Time What did YOU learn?

16 Notes Take notes in Comp. Book Reflections will be a graded
Use Cornell Note Method I will teach you this  Reflections will be a graded

17 Headings on Assignments
Last Name, First Name Date Class – Period 1. 1 p. 5 #1-100 all

18 Grading Grades are based solely on mastery of the curriculum.
You will be expected to turn in all assignments and complete work to reflect mastery of the curriculum. Each concept taught in math builds on previous concepts and connects to prior learning. Homework assignments provide a chance to practice the concepts learned in each lesson. Staying current on homework is necessary to master Pre-AP Curriculum. Grade Book Formative – Journals, Homework, Quizzes, Reflections, Exit Tickets Summative – Tests/ Projects

19 Homework Homework Packet Show ALL work Correct missed problems
Eventually you will enter HW on Moodle Show ALL work Correct missed problems

20 For All Assignments : I will grade using partial credit for work that is completed correctly. 100% Credit – Everything is correct 75% Credit – Process is correct; 1 mistake in computation. 50% Credit – Process is correct; >2 mistakes in computation 25% Credit – ½ of the process is correct; <2 mistakes in computation 0% Credit- The process is incorrect; >1 one mistake in computation Zero credit will be given if you did not show your work, even with a correct answer

21 I didn’t finish… Life happens…
Must turn in paper with name, date and assignment title Grace 1x per semester Each day is 15 points off, with a max of 30 points 0 (ZERO) if not completed Parents called/or ed

22 I don’t like my grade… All students in grades 6-8, will be provided the opportunity to re-submit formative and summative assignments after receiving the grade/feedback of each assignment if the grade is below 80% and the assignment was turned in on time. The higher of the two grades between the original assignment and the redo will be counted not to exceed 80.

23 I don’t like my grade (cont…)
Once posted in the grade book, students will have two (2) school days to request the opportunity to re-do the assignment AND shall complete the new assignment within five (5) school days of the original grade posting in the grade book. Prior to retesting on a summative task, the student must attend at least: 1 tutorial session with their teacher or an appropriate designee within the department AND complete and submit any missing formative assignments (subject to Late Work guidelines)

24 I was absent, now what??? Pick up your work from the ABSENT Pocket
Notes will be added to Moodle for you to copy in. Ask me to come to tutoring to catch up It’s YOUR job to pick up your work – in EVERY class

25 Tutoring Monday – 8:15-8:45 Thursday – 4:15 - 4:40
These times are subject to change for meetings, appointments, etc. I will try to give at least a weeks’ notice of any changes. Schedule with me at least one day in advance so I can make arrangements with childcare if need be.

26 Dismissal The bell doesn’t dismiss you, I do.
Leave in an orderly manor so no one gets hurt.

27 Restroom I know and understand that you have needs to go to the restroom. Please try to take care of this prior to coming to class. You have 4 minutes between classes to take care of this. I will give you a break if you work hard during the 1st block of math.

28 Emergency Procedures

29 Exit Slip Take a post-it note.
Write your name on the tope right corner. Tell me why you like or don’t like math.

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