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Support for PhD Students

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1 Support for PhD Students
Andy Gravell ECS Senior Tutor Team September 2017

2 Welcome to Southampton
Inhabited by Romans & Saxons King Cnut crowned here in 1016 Henry V sails to Agincourt (1415) Pilgrim Fathers set sail (1620) Home to Jane Austen (1806–9) Titanic maiden voyage (1910) Spitfires manufactured (1938) Woolston factory destroyed 1940 Now the UK’s busiest cruise port with ferries to the Isle of Wight

3 Welcome to the University of Southampton
1862 Hartley Institution Henry Robinson Hartley bequest grand High Street location 1896 becomes Hartley College & 1902 Hartley University College awarding London degrees 1919 Highfield campus opens 1952 University of Southampton established by Royal Charter with degree awarding powers

4 Welcome to Electronics and Computer Science
A merger of four departments Electronics, Telecommunications & Radio Engineering (1946) first in the UK (or the world?) Computer Studies (1987) Electrical Engineering (1999) Information Technology, New College (2006) Optoelectronics separated in 1989 Professor Eric Zepler Head of Electronics Professor David Barron Head of Computer Science

5 Quality & Standards Academic Discipline Supporting Systems PGR Office
Directors of Grad School Code of Practice Calendar Regulations PhD Examiners Special Considerations Academic Discipline Supervisors Lab managers Research group Seminars Conferences Literature Supporting Systems Labs Library Training Careers iSolutions Enabling Services Security Print Centre

6 Into Every Life a Little Rain Must Fall [Longfellow 1842]
PhD Stress Points Pressure from supervisor Lack of support from supervisor Change of supervisor Change of topic Negative results Time pressure Change in funding situation Preparation for viva Most Stressful Life Events Death of a close relative / friend Separation or divorce Change in financial situation Significant injury or illness Marriage Pregnancy Moving house …. [Holmes & Rahe, 1967]

7 Informal Support Systems
Fellow Students Mentors Senior Tutors

8 Some Case Studies Student A struggles to find a topic and supervisor she gets along with. Fifteen months into her PhD she now has a third supervisor and a new project. She goes home at Christmas and discusses her situation with her family, then decides to withdraw. Student B has a sympathetic employer and starts a PhD part- time, spending one day per week at the University. Her partner then finds a new job in a different city. She also finds work there, but she is only able to travel back to Southampton once every 8 weeks, so struggles to make progress. Her PhD takes seven years to complete.

9 More Case Studies Student C starts as a full-time student, but runs out of funding. He gets a job and continues part-time. Just before his viva he splits up with his long-term girlfriend. He fails his viva, but appeals, and is allowed another opportunity. After one more year, six years after first register- ing, he passes his second viva and gets his PhD. Student D makes a good start but struggles to generate results in years 2 & 3. At a progression review he is told he can only continue for MPhil. He suffers from depression and has to take medication. He is granted an extension by the Special Considerations Board. Five years after first registering, he submits and is awarded MPhil.

10 ? Some Questions for You Rate the outcome for
student A student B student C student D Positive, neutral, negative Given a choice, which of these students would you rather be? ?

11 Conclusion Most of you will succeed in getting your PhD within 3 to 4 years There are lots of systems to help and support you doing your research Enjoy your time in Southampton!

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