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Chapter 17: Dairy Products II

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1 Chapter 17: Dairy Products II
Mrs. Karen Swope Food and Fitness Columbian High School

2 CHEESE What kinds of milk are used in cheese making?
Cows, ________________________________________________________________

3 How is cheese made? The milk is coagulated. _______ is added.
The ____________(curds) are separated from the liquid (whey). The curds are __________. The cheese is aged.

4 Kinds of cheese: UNRIPENED
They are ready for marketing as soon as the whey has been removed. They __________________. They are _________ in flavor. Example: _______________

5 Kinds of cheese: UNRIPENED
Unripened cheeses are white or very pale in color. They are very _________________. Can be eaten plain or used in recipes. Examples: _______________

6 Kinds of cheese: RIPENED
Controlled amounts of ______________________________ are used to ripen (age) cheese. Examples: ________________________________

7 Kinds of cheese: RIPENED
Ripening the cheese develops distinct flavors, textures, and sometimes color. Cheeses are aged from 2 wks to 2 years. Examples: ______________________________________

8 Kinds of cheese: Process
Process cheese is a blend of ripened and unripened cheeses. It is smooth and creamy Examples: ________________________________.

9 Cooking with Cheese Cheese is a ____________ food, too high of heat will over coagulate the protein causing it to be tough and rubbery. Cheese that is shredded or cubed will melt and blend more easily. Process cheese will melt and blend more easily because of the ___________in them.

10 Cooking with Cheese To avoid scorching, use medium low heat or a double boiler. Cheese can be microwaved. Use a lower setting and careful timing. Over microwaved cheese can _______________________ and it can burn. Some cheeses melt better than others. Hard textured cheeses don’t melt well.

11 Many Kinds of Cheese

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