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St. Petersburg, 2016.

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1 St. Petersburg, 2016

2 Lecture 1.Introduction What Is Science? What Is Philosophy?
Alexander A. Lvov, PhD St. Petersburg, 2016

3 Agenda Preliminary Conceptions of Science and Philosophy
History as a Metaproject of Modern Age Philosophy As a Specific Form of Knowledge Is Our World Cognizable?

4 On science and philosophy
«Philosophy as an intellectual activity can be variously defined, depending on whether the emphasis is placed on its method, its subject-matter or its purpose». Thomas Mautner’s Dictionary of Philosophy On science and philosophy Φιλοσοφία (literally from Greek) is «love of wisdom» Philosophy is love of truth «This thinking study of things may serve, in a general way, as a description of philosophy» (Hegel, Encyclopaedia) «Philosophical cognition is the cognition of reason by means of conceptions» (Kant, 1st Critique)

5 On science and philosophy
Science is a process of construction of the systematic image of a part of reality which is focused upon distinguishing its general qualities. On science and philosophy The characteristics of science: Subject-matter Method Conceptual and categorical set Equipment Institutional organization Certain field of knowledge (inquiry) Science VS not science Science VS pseudoscience Science VS fringe science

6 On science and philosophy
When did science appear? Science has not always been On science and philosophy Science has always been ? Ancient world Modern age Industrial revolution Contemporaneity (since XX century)

7 History as a Metaproject of Modern Age
Ancient world Middle ages Modern age History as a Metaproject of Modern Age A period of history from the first states to the fall of the Western Roman Empire (476 AD) Cosmocentrism

8 History as a Metaproject of Modern Age
Ancient world Middle ages Modern age History as a Metaproject of Modern Age A period of history from the Barbarian and Gothic invasion to the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire (1453 AD) Theocentricism

9 History as a Metaproject of Modern Age
Ancient world Middle ages Modern age History as a Metaproject of Modern Age A period of history from Renaissance up to nowadays ANTHROPOCENTRISM

10 The principal problem in philosophy is the question on the essence
Philosophy As a Specific Form of Knowledge The principal problem in philosophy is the question on the essence So called Chinese, Indian, Babylonian (Eastern) philosophies are the forms of philosophizing or wisdom Demonstration as a rational approach to reality Natural philosophy as pre-Socratic form of philosophizing

11 The Principal Movements in Philosophy
Philosophy As a Specific Form of Knowledge The Principal Movements in Philosophy Idealism Positivism Materialism «Say what you mean, mean what you say» «Actions, words and ideas all depend on social conventions based upon the empirical data» «When in Rome, do as the Romans do»

12 The Classification of Sciences
Is Our World Cognizable? The Classification of Sciences By Dr. Benedict M. Kedrov Natural sciences about human beings Psychological sciences Social sciences about human beings Philosophical sciences about human beings

13 The Classification of Sciences
Is Our World Cognizable? The Classification of Sciences By the subject-matter Mathematical Technical Natural Social and Humanities deal with numbers and quantitative relations deal with technics and mechanisms deal with natural matters deal with social matters Mathematics Mechanics, physics Chemistry, biology, geography, ecology, genetics, etc. History, philosophy, political studies, sociology, economics, etc.

14 The Classification of Sciences
Is Our World Cognizable? The Classification of Sciences Auguste Comte’s classification (1840s)

15 The Order of Scientific Investigation
Is Our World Cognizable? The Order of Scientific Investigation

16 The Order of Scientific Investigation
Is Our World Cognizable? The Order of Scientific Investigation The Methods of Scientific Investigation GENERAL SCIENTIFIC UNIVERSAL (PHILOSOPHICAL) historical logical PARTICULAR own for each branch of science Empirical observation experiment modeling Theoretical analysis synthesis induction deduction

17 Thank you for your attention!
St. Petersburg, 2016

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