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Enlightenment Age of Reason.

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Presentation on theme: "Enlightenment Age of Reason."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enlightenment Age of Reason

2 An intellectual movement in the 18th century that stressed the power of individuals to solve problems

3 He proposed that all people are born free and equal, with three natural rights: life, liberty, and property. He believed that the natural rights of humans are best protected in representative governments. He wrote that the power of government should be limited by the will of the people.

4 John Locke

5 A French Philosopher (1694-1778) and satirist who fought separation of church and state

6 Voltaire

7 A French writer who studied political liberty and developed the idea of separation of powers within government in order to prevent absolute monarchs like Louis XVI from seizing control of an entire nation of people. Believed in checks and balances

8 Montesquieu

9 A French essayist who believed that government was a contract between the people and the state. He wrote the Social Contract

10 Rousseau

11 Believed that people were naturally wicked and that an absolute monarchy is best to control people. Wrote the Leviathan (sea monster)

12 Hobbes

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