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Enrico Bisogno UN Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division

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1 Enrico Bisogno UN Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division
ECE/Eurostat Seminar on Migration Statistics Geneva, March 2005 2010 Census Recommendations: Issues and proposals on the Stock of migrants Enrico Bisogno UN Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division

2 Census Recommendations and migration
Census is a fundamental source for this segment of the population Census: population count individual characteristics Migrants: relatively small group mobile and hidden group

3 Census Recommendations and migration
In the Census Recommendations we can address some of the gaps existing in definitions

4 2010 Census Recommendations: the proposal on migration
General introduction to the section Topics: some changes in definitions + some additional topics Treatment of special groups

5 General introduction to the section on migration
Part 1 General introduction to the section on migration

6 Why data on stocks? Continuous monitoring of population with foreign (or migrant) origin to respond to policy concerns on its integration in the host country

7 Stock of immigrants: the definition
No clear definition of this group in the 2000 Recommendations Focus on two related variables (core-topics) Place/country of birth (44 countries) Citizenship (42 countries)

8 Indications from 2000 Round
29 Countries asked other questions on birth and/or citizenship: Multiple citizenship Citizenship at birth/by naturalization Country of birth of parents

9 Classification according to population’s background
Nationals with national background Foreign-born with foreign (or migrant) background ( first generation) Native-born with foreign (or migrant) background ( second generation) Foreign-born with national background Foreigners with national background Foreign background

10 Classification by country of birth and citizenship

11 Classification by country of birth, citizenship and parents’ country of birth

12 Which questions to include?
Place of births of parents or Citizenship at birth (both included in 2000 Recommendations as non-core topics)

13 Some data from 2000

14 Population with US/Canada origin in France (1999)

15 Some interesting insights

16 Foreign-born in ‘new’ countries
Before the break-up of former country: internal migrations After the break-up of former country: international migrations Foreign-born only those who moved after Information on date of arrival is needed

17 Highlights on some topics
Part 2 Highlights on some topics

18 Highlights on topics Place of birth: actual place of birth (in 2000 Rec. mother’s residence at the time of birth) Country of birth of parents: core-topic Citizenship at birth: non-core topic

19 Treatment of special groups
Part 3 Treatment of special groups

20 Treatment of special groups in 2000 census round

21 Short-term migrants Defined by:
short duration of stay (3 to 12 months) specific purposes of migration In the census, they can be identified if present persons are asked: Country of usual residence Duration of stay Reason for migration

22 Asylum-seekers and refugees
Included in the resident population if the duration of stay in the country is, or is expected to be, at least 12 months, as for the rest of the population. Definitional problems: 3 types of refugees 1951 Geneva Convention Humanitarian refugees Mass displacement

23 Foreigners without legal status
2000 Recomm: no specific provision Persons who may be illegal, irregular or undocumented migrants should be included in the resident population and should follow the same rules of usual residence as for other persons.

24 Temporary absent persons
persons usually resident but living abroad, or in the country but outside the household, for less than one year those living abroad for one year or more should be excluded from the total population

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