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Multicultural Aspects of Attachments

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1 Multicultural Aspects of Attachments

2 Glossary Attachment and culture Why would culture affect attachment
Two main types of cultures Collectivist cultures Individualist cultures Cultural variations of attachment Cultural experiences of attachment


The cultural environment within which an individual develops has a profound impact on a wide range of social behaviours, including attachment functioning. Priming different attachment mindsets or reminding people of times when they felt secure or insecure can activate specific attachment representations and even influence attachment-related behaviour.

5 Two Main Types of Cultures
Individualist cultures value independence with each working to their own individual goals e.g. USA and Europe (Western Cultures). Collectivist cultures value cooperation with each working towards the family or group goals e.g. Japan and Israel (Eastern Cultures).

6 Collectivist cultures
Social rules focus on promoting selflessness and putting the community needs ahead of individual needs Working as a group and supporting others is essential People are encouraged to do what's best for society Families and communities have a central role

7 Individualist cultures
Me, myself & I (as opposed of “We” thinking) Own opinion is important (over the general group opinion) Direct communication (I ask a question and would like a direct answer)

8 Cultural variations in attachment
How do different cultures vary in attachment styles? What is the most common type of attachment?

9 Cultural Experiences of Attachment
Japan: its rare to leave an infant alone and their mothers rarely leave them in the care of others.(What attachment type do you think is most common in Japan? Insecure-Resistant Germany: Parents value independence. Parenting focuses on making the child as independent as possible (what attachment type do you think is most common in Germany?) Insecure-Avoidant Israeli Kibbutz: Kibbutz life is very “family Centred” and so children are raised at home by their parents. (What attachment type do you think is most common in Israeli Kibbutz? Insecure-Resistant

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