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Pathway Subject: VCE Drama

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1 Pathway Subject: VCE Drama
YEAR 10 DRAMA Pathway Subject: VCE Drama

2 Course Outline Assessment
This course focuses on creating characters and telling stories in various ways. Students learn the skills of creating performances, becoming characters and building a relationship with an audience. The course also focuses on the technical aspects of a performance as well how to analyse professional theatre. Assessment Small group performances – 10% Ensemble performance – 30% Ensemble review – 20% Solo performance – 20% Theatre analysis – 20%

3 Topics Covered Improvisation - brief description
Expressive skills - How to create characters Performance skills - How to make an engaging performance Dramatic elements - How to make a performance interesting

4 Topics Covered Playmaking techniques - How to build a performance
Theatre styles - Different types of theatre Stagecraft - The technical aspects of a performance Theatre analysis - Analysing professional theatre

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